Chapter 14 - Storage Of Water For Industrial And Municipal Uses
41-14-101. Definitions.
Whenused in this act, unless the context otherwise requires, "board"means the Wyoming natural resource board [economic development andstabilization board], "director" means the director of the naturalresource board, and "chief" means chief of the water developmentdivision of the natural resource board.
41-14-102. Contracts with United States for acquisition of space in theproposed Fontenelle Reservoir of the Seedskadee Project.
Theboard is hereby authorized to contract with the United States or its agent forthe acquisition of space in the proposed Fontenelle Reservoir of the SeedskadeeProject for the storage of water for municipal and industrial uses, to theextent the board determines necessary for beneficial use in the state ofWyoming, but not to exceed sixty thousand (60,000) acre-feet and to contract forthe payment to the United States of not more than nine hundred thousand dollars($900,000.00) as the allocated costs thereof pursuant to the FederalReclamation Laws and the Water Supply Act of 1958 (43 U.S.C. 390b).
41-14-103. Issuance of bonds; purchase of bonds by state treasurer;interest rates; when bonds due and payable; disposition of proceeds of sale;use of revenues derived from furnishing water.
(a) The board is hereby authorized to issueits nonnegotiable debenture bonds in such numbers and amounts, not exceedingnine hundred thousand dollars ($900,000.00), as may, from time to time, berequired by it to carry out the provisions of this act. The state treasurer ishereby authorized and directed, with the approval of the governor and the attorneygeneral, to purchase such bonds for investment of the permanent funds of thestate of Wyoming to the extent practicable. Such bonds issued by the board willbear interest at the rate of three percent (3%) per annum and will be payableon dates fixed by the board but not more than ten (10) years from the date ofissue.
(b) The funds obtained from the sale of said bonds provided forin subsection (a) of this section are hereby made available to the board to beused for the purposes of this act including, but not limited to the payment ofany sums due to the United States for the repayment of the cost of constructionof the space acquired by the board in the proposed Fontenelle Reservoir; itsshare of operation and maintenance of said reservoir and refunding of principalor interest of bonds issued by it.
(c) All revenues derived from the furnishing of water forindustrial or municipal purposes pursuant to this act shall be credited to aseparate account. The board shall use any monies in this account for therepayment to the United States of the allocated cost of construction andoperation and maintenance of the board's acquired space in the FontenelleReservoir and for payment of interest and principal on its obligations prior tothe use for such purposes of funds received by it from the sale of its bonds.All monies in this account in excess of those required for the board's currentoperations under this act shall be applied to the retirement of the board'sdebenture bonds purchased by the state treasurer.