Chapter 11 - Interstate Streams Commission
41-11-101. Duties of attorney general.
Theattorney general shall be the legal advisor to the commission and it shall behis duty to defend any suit or suits that may be instituted against the stateof Wyoming, or against the water users and appropriators from this state, bythe United States government, or by any other state, involving the question ofpriorities and rights of interstate streams; or if advisable to prosecute anysuit necessary to properly safeguard the interests of the state or itscitizens, in such interstate streams.
41-11-201. Appointment of commissioners to serve on joint commission;ratification of compacts; governor may serve as commissioner.
(a) The governor of the state of Wyoming shall appoint anycommissioners necessary to represent Wyoming on any joint commission to becomposed of commissioners from Wyoming and one (1) or more adjoining states andan authorized representative of the United States for the purpose ofnegotiating compacts or agreements between those states, or between thosestates and the United States, respecting the equitable division, use anddistribution of the waters of any interstate stream and its tributaries flowingfrom or into Wyoming. However, any such compact or agreement so entered into bythe specified states, or between those states and the United States, is notbinding or obligatory upon any of the compacting parties thereto unless it hasbeen ratified and approved by the legislature of each of the party states andconsented to by the congress of the United States.
(b) At his option, the governor may serve as one (1) of thecommissioners for Wyoming in negotiating any compact or agreement respectingthe equitable division, use and distribution of the waters of any interstatestream and its tributaries flowing from or into Wyoming.
(c) The governor may remove any commissioner he appoints underthis section as provided in W.S. 9-1-202.
41-11-202. Designation of commissioners to represent state on allinterstate compacts; service of governor on compact commission.
Thegovernor of Wyoming shall appoint and designate such commissioners as may benecessary to represent the state of Wyoming on all negotiated interstatecompacts, unless the compacts by their terms otherwise provide. The governor ofWyoming, at his option, may serve as a commissioner for Wyoming on any compactcommission, if permitted under the terms of the compact. The governor mayremove any commissioner he appoints as provided in W.S. 9-1-202.
41-11-203. Authority of commissioners; investigations.
Anycommissioner appointed to serve under the provisions of any interstate watercompact or in the negotiation of an interstate water compact or any otherperson designated by the governor to do so, shall have full authority to makeany and all investigations of such interstate streams and the drainage areathereof which may become necessary in order to sufficiently advise him of thephysical conditions obtaining upon such system, and of the present and futureneeds of the state of Wyoming, and its citizens to the use and benefits of thewaters of such stream. To that end the governor or any commissioner or otherperson designated by the governor to conduct such investigation, shall haveauthority to administer oaths, examine and require the attendance of witnesses,and to perform such other duties as may be necessary to sufficiently apprisehim of the facts and furnish him with adequate information in order that he mayproperly perform his duties as the representative of the state of Wyoming or tofully inform the designated representative of Wyoming.
41-11-204. Assistant commissioners.
Thegovernor may appoint assistant commissioners to aid and assist him, or anyinterstate streams commissioner appointed by him, in the negotiations fordetermination of the equitable division of the waters of all Wyoming interstatestreams, to serve only on call of the governor.
41-11-205. Mileage, per diem and compensation for commissioners andassistant commissioners.
Eachand every commissioner and assistant commissioner appointed to represent thestate of Wyoming on an interstate compact or in the negotiation thereof shallbe paid per diem and compensation in the same amount as provided for members ofthe Wyoming legislature and mileage at the rate set in W.S. 9-3-103 for eachmile actually and necessarily traveled in the performance of his duties exceptstate of Wyoming officers and employees shall only be reimbursed for mileageand per diem while away from their regular stations, as in other casesprovided. The state engineer is charged with the responsibility for expenditureof such sums as are necessary under this act.
41-11-206. Depository of records relating to interstate streams andwater compacts.
Theoffice of the state engineer is hereby designated as the depository of allrecords, reports and materials relating to interstate streams and watercompacts and the activities of all commissioners, administrators and otherpersons appointed by the governor to conduct investigations of any Wyominginterstate streams or water.