Chapter 9 - Standards For Natural Gas
40-9-101. Standard natural gas defined.
(a) For the purpose of this chapter standard natural gas shallbe considered to have an average standard of heating units of not less than onethousand (1,000) British thermal units per cubic foot of gas, ascertained anddetermined by the state chemist in accordance with standard conditions, to wit:
(i) At a temperature of sixty degrees Fahrenheit (60 F);
(ii) Under pressure of thirty (30) inches of mercury.
40-9-102. Factors to be considered in fixing rates.
The standard of heating units herein prescribedand any variations therefrom, in any gas distributed by any utility, orutilities, to users of natural gas, shall be taken into consideration by thepublic service commission as an additional factor to the factors provided forin W.S. 37-2-118, as a basis for fixing rates and rate schedules for theallowable charges the utility may make against the users of natural gas in anyparticular town, city or community, in which the question of such rates shallbe presented to said commission, as provided for in W.S. 37-2-118.
40-9-103. Tests and report of state chemist upon complaint; use ofresults as evidence and in fixing rates.
Whenever any complaint is made, as providedfor in W.S. 37-2-118, that the heat units of the natural gas supplied by anyutility to the users thereof in any town or municipality are below the standardthereof theretofore used as a factor in the basis for rates to be charged bythe utility in that particular town or municipality, the public servicecommission shall notify the state chemist to make proper tests of the heatingunits of the gas furnished by such utility to the complaining municipality. Thestate chemist shall certify to the public service commission and to the mayorof the complaining town or municipality the result of such test, which saidcertificate shall be used as competent evidence by the public servicecommission at the hearing of said complaint, and shall be used by thecommission as one (1) of the factors as a basis for any change in the rates thecommission may find necessary to make.
40-9-104. Municipality may require test every 3 months.
The mayor, or city council of any town ormunicipality, in which natural gas is furnished by any utility is hereby giventhe right to require the state chemist to make a test of such gas every three(3) months and to certify the results thereof to said mayor, or city counciland public service commission.
40-9-105. Expense of tests charged to state university.
Any and all expenses incurred by the statechemist in carrying out the provisions of this chapter shall be a chargeagainst the University of Wyoming.