Chapter 9 - Podiatrists
33-9-101. Definitions.
(a) As used in this act:
(i) "Podiatry" means the diagnosis or the medical,mechanical or surgical treatment of the ailments of the human foot, ankle andtendons that insert into the foot. Surgical treatment of the ankle and tendonsthat insert into the foot shall be limited to licensed podiatrists who havecompleted a podiatric surgical residency training program as approved by theboard through rule and regulation. Podiatry also includes the fitting or therecommending of appliances, devices or shoes for the correction or relief ofminor foot ailments. The practice of podiatric medicine shall include theamputation of the toes or other parts of the foot but shall not include theamputation of the foot or leg in its entirety. A podiatrist may not administerany anesthetic other than local. A general anesthesia shall be administered ina hospital by an anesthesiologist or certified nurse anesthetist authorizedunder the laws of this state to administer anesthesia. Podiatrists arepermitted to use and to prescribe drugs and controlled substances as may benecessary in the practice of podiatry.
33-9-102. Board of registration in podiatry.
(a) There is created and established the state board ofregistration in podiatry which shall be composed of three (3) practicingpodiatrists of integrity and ability, who shall be residents of the state ofWyoming and who shall have practiced podiatry continuously in the state for aperiod of two (2) years immediately prior to their appointment. The members ofthe board shall be appointed by the governor. Annually, the governor shallappoint one (1) member who shall be a licensed podiatrist possessing thequalifications above specified, who shall serve for a period of three (3) yearsor until his successor has been appointed. The governor may remove any boardmember as provided in W.S. 9-1-202.
(b) Any vacancy which occurs on the board shall be filled by anappointment of the governor and the podiatrist so appointed shall hold officeuntil the expiration of the term. Members of the board shall elect one (1)member as president and one (1) member as secretary-treasurer.
33-9-103. License required to practice.
Itis unlawful for a person to profess to be a podiatrist, to practice or assumethe duties incident to podiatry or to advertise in any form or hold himself outto the public as a podiatrist, or in a sign or advertisement to use the word"podiatrist", "foot correctionist", "footexpert", "foot specialist", "chiropodist" or any otherterm or designation indicating to the public that he is holding himself out asa podiatrist or foot correctionist in any manner, without first obtaining fromthe board a license authorizing the practice of podiatry in this state underthis act.
33-9-104. Applications for licenses.
Personswho wish to practice podiatry in this state shall make application on a formauthorized and furnished by the board for a license to practice podiatry. Thisapplication shall be granted to an applicant after he has furnishedsatisfactory proof that he has satisfactorily completed two (2) years in arecognized college of liberal arts or of the sciences, and that he is agraduate of a regularly established school of podiatry recognized by theAmerican Podiatric Medical Association or its successor and the board whichrequires as a prerequisite to graduation the completion of at least threethousand three hundred sixty (3,360) scholastic hours of classroom work. Aschool of podiatry shall not be accredited by the board if it does not requirefor graduation at least four (4) years of instruction in the study of podiatry.Every applicant for a license to practice podiatry shall have successfullycompleted a residency approved by the board through rules and regulations. This requirement applies only to applicants who graduate from podiatric collegeafter July 1, 2005. After the application has been accepted by the board,together with the payment of the license fee, the applicant must pass asatisfactory examination as prepared under the rules and regulations of theboard.
33-9-105. Examinations.
Examinationsof applicants for a license to practice podiatry shall be in the Englishlanguage and shall include both clinical and written tests as the board shalldetermine. The examinations shall embrace the subjects of histology, surgery,hygiene, dermatology, anatomy, physiology, chemistry, bacteriology, pathology,diagnosis and treatment, pharmacology, therapeutics, clinical podiatry and suchother subjects as the board may prescribe, a knowledge of which is commonly andgenerally required by the practitioners of podiatry. This section shall not beconstrued to require of the applicant a medical or surgical education. Theminimum requirements for a license to practice under W.S. 33-9-101 through33-9-114 is a general passing grade average of seventy-five percent (75%) inall of the subjects involved and not less than sixty percent (60%) in any one(1) subject. At the time of making application to practice, an examination andlicense fee in amounts established by the board pursuant to W.S. 33-1-201 shallbe paid to the board. An applicant failing in the examination and being refuseda license is entitled, within six (6) months of the refusal, to areexamination, but only two (2) such reexaminations shall be granted to any one(1) applicant. The board may make such rules and regulations governing theconduct of the examinations as shall be necessary, and willful violation ofsuch rules and regulations shall subject the applicant to the cancellation ofthe examination and loss of the fee.
33-9-106. Registration with county clerk.
Everyperson to whom a certificate of registration and license has been issued underthis act, within one (1) month from the date of receipt of the certification ofregistration and license, shall deliver the certificate to the county clerk ofthe county in which the person has his legal residence or usual place ofbusiness, and pay a recording fee of two dollars ($2.00). The county clerk towhom such certificate is presented shall register the name and address of theperson designated in the certificate together with the date and numberinscribed thereon, and this record shall be open to public inspection.
33-9-107. Licensing matters.
Alicense issued under W.S. 33-9-101 through 33-9-114 shall be designated a"registered podiatrist's license" and may not contain anyabbreviations thereof nor any other designation or title except that astatement of limitation shall be contained in the license referring to thelicensee as a "registered podiatrist - practice limited to the foot andankle", so as not to mislead the public with respect to their right totreat other portions of the body. A renewal license fee in an amountestablished by the board pursuant to W.S. 33-1-201 shall be due to the boardannually on July 1 each year, and if not paid within three (3) months thelicense shall be revoked and may be reissued only upon an additionalapplication and payment of a fee in an amount established by the board pursuantto W.S. 33-1-201. Application for renewal shall be accompanied by evidencesatisfactory to the board of compliance with participation in continuingeducation activities as established by rules and regulations of the board. Theboard may waive the continuing education requirement for the first renewal of alicense. Licenses shall be conspicuously displayed by podiatrists at theiroffices or other places of practice.
33-9-108. Disposition of fees.
Allfees and money shall be received and collected as provided by law. The statetreasurer shall place ten percent (10%) of the money in the general fund of thestate and the remainder in a separate account which shall be subject at alltimes to warrant of the state auditor drawn upon vouchers issued and signed bythe president and the secretary-treasurer of the board.
33-9-109. Exemptions.
(a) This act does not apply to the commissioned podiatrists ofthe United States armed services in the actual performance of their officialduties, to physicians or surgeons, to osteopathic physicians and surgeonsregularly licensed under the laws of Wyoming, nor to any visiting podiatristcalled into consultation in this state from another state where he is dulyqualified under the laws of that state to practice podiatry.
(b) This act shall not prohibit the fitting, recommending,advertising, adjusting or sale of corrective shoes, arch supports or similarmechanical appliances or foot remedies by retail dealers or manufacturers.
33-9-110. Revocation of license.
(a) After notice and opportunity for hearing under the terms ofthe Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act, the board may revoke or refuse torenew a license granted under this act to any person otherwise qualified who isguilty of any of the following violations:
(i) Obtaining a license by fraudulent representation;
(ii) Incompetency in practice;
(iii) Use of untruthful or improbable statements to patients orin his advertisements;
(iv) Alcoholism or habitual use of controlled substance;
(v) Unprofessional conduct;
(vi) Selling or giving away alcohol or controlled substances forillegal purposes, but the board may reissue a license after six (6) months ifin its judgment the act, acts or conditions of disqualification have beenremedied; or
(vii) Failure to furnish evidence showing the satisfaction of therequirements of continuing education required by the board.
(b) Upon receipt from the department of family services of acertified copy of an order from a court to withhold, suspend or otherwiserestrict a license issued by the board, the board shall notify the party namedin the court order of the withholding, suspension or restriction of the licensein accordance with the terms of the court order. No appeal under the WyomingAdministrative Procedure Act shall be allowed for a license withheld, suspendedor restricted under this subsection.
33-9-111. Reciprocal licenses.
Theapplicant may be registered and given a certificate or registration and licenseif he presents satisfactory proof of the endorsement from his state board ofhaving practiced podiatry, and the possession of a certificate of podiatryqualification or license issued to the applicant at least one (1) year prior tofiling of application for reciprocal privileges. The certificate upon whichreciprocity is requested shall have been issued in the United States or withinany foreign country where the requirements for the certificate of qualificationor license of the applicant at the date of application are deemed by the boardto be equivalent to those of this act, and the state or country from which theapplicant has received a license has like reciprocal privileges with the stateof Wyoming, and the applicant has passed that state or country's examination inclinical podiatry. The fee for registration of applicants for reciprocity and forthe endorsement of reciprocity to another state shall be in amounts establishedby the board pursuant to W.S. 33-1-201.
33-9-112. Compensation of board.
Eachmember of the board shall receive reimbursement for per diem, mileage andexpenses for attending meetings, in the same manner and amount as stateemployees. Any incidental expenses necessarily incurred by the board or anymember, if approved by the board, shall be paid from the state treasury, butonly from the fees received under the provisions of this act that are paid intothe state treasury by the board.
33-9-113. Penalties.
Anyperson violating any of the provisions of this act is guilty of a misdemeanorand upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundreddollars ($100.00) or imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, or both,for each offense.
33-9-114. Education and training standards for unlicensed podiatricpersonnel exposing ionizing radiation; mandatory machine inspections;exemptions.
(a) Any person employed by or assisting a podiatrist licensedunder this chapter shall in addition to any other requirements imposed by ruleand regulation of the board of registration in podiatry, successfully completeminimum safety education and training requirements specified under this sectionprior to operating any machine source of ionizing radiation or administeringradiation to any patient.
(b) Education and training required under subsection (a) ofthis section shall consist of not less than twenty (20) hours of educationalinstruction or supervised training in the following areas:
(i) Podiatric nomenclature;
(ii) Machine operation exposure factor;
(iii) Operator and patient safety;
(iv) Practical or clinical experience in the following:
(A) Foot and ankle techniques for exposing radiographs;
(B) Film handling and storage;
(C) Processing procedures; and
(D) Patient record documentation for radiographs.
(c) Education and training required under this section shall beobtained from board approved programs only. Written verification of requirededucational curricula and training protocol shall be in a form prescribed byrule and regulation of the board. Nothing in this subsection prohibits on thejob training by a licensed podiatrist.
(d) Any licensed podiatrist using an x-ray machine shall havethat machine inspected by a qualified radiation expert periodically asdetermined by the board.
(e) The board shall promulgate reasonable rules and regulationsnecessary to implement and administer this section.
(f) Subsection (a) of this section shall not apply to anyperson licensed as a radiologic technologist or radiologic technician underW.S. 33-37-101 through 33-37-113.