Chapter 37 - Radiologic Technologist Licensing
33-37-101. Definitions.
(a) As used in this act:
(i) "Allied health professional" is a personcertified or licensed in one (1) of the following fields: dental hygiene,dietary, medical technology, respiratory therapy, physical therapy or hospitaladministration;
(ii) "Board" means the board of radiologictechnologist examiners;
(iii) "License" means a legal authorization to applyionizing radiation to persons;
(iv) "Licensed practitioner" means a person licensedor otherwise authorized by law to practice medicine, dentistry, podiatry,osteopathy or chiropractic and includes properly certified physician assistantsand properly licensed advanced practice nurses as defined under W.S.33-21-120(a)(i);
(v) "Radiation" means ionizing radiation includinggamma rays and x-rays, alpha particles, beta particles, electrons, neutrons,protons and other nuclear particles but not sound or radio waves or visible,infrared or ultraviolet light;
(vi) "Radiologic technologist" means a person otherthan a licensed practitioner who applies ionizing radiation orradiopharmaceutical agents to humans for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes;
(vii) "Restricted license" means an authorization whichmay be granted by the board to apply ionizing radiation to humans when anapplicant's qualifications do not meet standards required for issuance of alicense. Persons receiving a restricted license shall be designated asradiologic technicians;
(viii) "This act" means W.S. 33-37-101 through33-37-113.
33-37-102. Acceptable practices.
(a) A licensed radiologic technologist may apply radiation topersons for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes under specific direction of aperson licensed to prescribe the examinations or treatment.
(b) A licensed radiologic technician may select technique,position patients, critique films and apply radiation to persons for diagnosticpurposes under specific direction of a person licensed to prescribe theexaminations. Restricted licenses shall state the procedures the radiologictechnician may perform which shall not include more than three (3) body areas.
(c) A license is not required for a student attending a schoolor college of medicine, osteopathy, podiatry, dentistry, dental hygiene,chiropractic or radiologic technology, who applies radiation to persons underthe direct supervision of a person licensed to prescribe the examinations or treatments.
(d) This act does not apply to:
(i) Licensed practitioners as defined in W.S. 33-37-101(a)(iv);
(ii) Allied dental health professionals and dental assistantssolely because they expose radiographs for dental diagnosis; and
(iii) Persons employed by or assisting licensed podiatrists andreceiving education and training pursuant to W.S. 33-9-114.
33-37-103. Board of radiologic technologists examiners; composition;terms; removal.
(a) The board of radiologic technologists examiners is created.The board shall consist of five (5) members who are citizens of the UnitedStates and residents of Wyoming appointed by the governor. Three (3) membersshall be radiologic technologists who are registered or who possess suitableequivalent qualifications, one (1) member shall be a person licensed orotherwise authorized by law to practice medicine specialized in radiology andone (1) member shall be from the general public. Vacancies in unexpired termsshall be filled by the governor for the remainder of the term. The governor mayremove any board member as provided in W.S. 9-1-202.
(b) The terms for each member are:
(i) Three (3) radiologic technologists for two (2) years;
(ii) One (1) person licensed or otherwise authorized to practicemedicine in radiology for three (3) years;
(iii) One (1) general public member for two (2) years.
33-37-104. Meetings; quorum.
Theboard shall meet quarterly and elect a chairman at the first meeting of eachyear. Three (3) board members constitute a quorum.
33-37-105. Rules.
Theboard shall adopt rules to carry out this act.
33-37-106. Applicants; qualifications.
(a) The board shall grant a license to an applicant who is atleast eighteen (18) years of age and who has completed a course of study inradiologic technology approved by the board and provides satisfactory evidenceto the board of fitness to perform duties of a radiologic technologist.
(b) The board shall grant a restricted license to an applicantwho is at least eighteen (18) years of age and is capable of performing as aradiologic technician.
33-37-107. Examinations; fees.
(a) The board shall procure examinations for restrictedlicenses.
(b) The board shall administer examinations at regularintervals as established by rules.
(c) The board shall set a nonrefundable examination fee foreach type of examination pursuant to W.S. 33-1-201.
(d) An applicant failing the examination shall be charged asimilar nonrefundable re-examination fee. An applicant is not eligible forre-examination until six (6) months after the failed examination.
(e) The board may accept in lieu of its own examination anycertification by other states or professional certifying groups whoserequirements are at least as stringent as those set forth by rules adopted inaccordance with this act.
(f) Fees collected by the board shall be paid into the statetreasury and credited to an account which shall be used by the board to defraycosts incurred in the administration of this act.
33-37-108. Licenses.
(a) The board shall issue a license to each applicant who meetsthe requirements of this act and the rules and regulations promulgated by theboard.
(b) The board may issue a restricted license to an applicantnot qualifying for issuance of a license under this act, but who demonstratesto the satisfaction of the board the capability of performing x-rayexaminations without endangering the public health and safety. Restrictedlicenses may be renewed under the provisions of original issuance.
(c) Applicants meeting minimum requirements for a license shallbe issued a temporary license to work as a radiologic technologist. Thetemporary license shall expire fifteen (15) days after the date of the firstopportunity for examination.
(d) The board shall issue a special license to an uncertifiedperson to practice as a radiologic technologist if necessary because ofregional hardship or emergency condition. The board shall not grant more thanone (1) special license to a person. Special licenses shall expire in twelve(12) months.
33-37-109. Existing operators.
(a) An applicant who has not met the requirements for a licensebut who has at least three (3) years experience in the four (4) years beforeJuly 1, 1985 and who can demonstrate proficiency shall be issued theappropriate license.
(b) An applicant who is engaged in a course for radiologictechnology on July 1, 1985 who completes the course or has completed atwenty-four (24) month course in radiologic technology within two (2) yearsbefore July 1, 1985 and can demonstrate proficiency shall be issued a license.
33-37-110. Expiration of license; renewal.
(a) General licenses expire two (2) years from date ofissuance. A restricted license expires twelve (12) months from the date ofissuance and may be renewed under the provisions of original issuance.
(b) All licenses issued pursuant to this act with the exceptionof a special license shall be renewed by the board provided that the licenseehas conformed with the provisions of this act and submits a renewal fee in anamount established by the board pursuant to W.S. 33-1-201, and provided asfollows:
(i) Upon renewal, each person licensed by the board as aradiologic technologist shall provide proof that he has completed twenty-four(24) credit hours of continuing education credit based upon the nationalstandards of the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists;
(ii) Upon renewal, each person licensed by the board as aradiologic technician shall provide proof that he has completed six (6) credithours of continuing education credit based upon the national standards of theAmerican Registry of Radiologic Technologists.
(c) A radiologic technologist who has been licensed in Wyoming,whose license has not been revoked or suspended and who has ceased activitiesas a radiologic technologist may apply for a license and be evaluated by theboard.
33-37-111. Discipline of licensee.
(a) A person licensed pursuant to this act may be censured orplaced on probation or may have his license revoked, suspended or restricted,or both, by the board for any of the following causes:
(i) Conviction of a felony or high misdemeanor involving moralturpitude;
(ii) For renting or loaning to any person his license to be usedas a license for such person;
(iii) Violation of the Wyoming Controlled Substances Act;
(iv) Violation of any rule promulgated by the board;
(v) Negligent or incompetent use of radiation orradiopharmaceutical agents;
(vi) Violation of this act.
(b) All complaints alleging a violation under paragraphs (a)(i)through (vi) of this section shall be in writing, verified by some partyfamiliar with the facts charged and shall be filed with the board. Uponreceiving the complaint, the board if it determines the complaint sufficient,shall proceed as in a contested case under the Wyoming Administrative ProcedureAct. Upon discipline of any licensee, the board shall notify the appropriateagencies and make other reports as required by law, rules and regulations.
(c) Upon receipt from the department of family services of acertified copy of an order from a court to withhold, suspend or otherwiserestrict a license issued by the board, the board shall notify the party namedin the court order of the withholding, suspension or restriction of the licensein accordance with the terms of the court order. No appeal under the WyomingAdministrative Procedure Act shall be allowed for a license withheld, suspendedor restricted under this subsection.
33-37-112. Competency evaluation.
Afterreceipt of a complaint filed in accordance with W.S. 33-37-111 concerningcompliance with this act or the competency of radiologic technicians the boardor the radiological health services, health and medical services may evaluatetechnicians or their job performance and otherwise investigate.
33-37-113. Violations; penalties.
(a) Any person who applies ionizing radiation orradiopharmaceutical agents to humans without a valid license to do so shall beguilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than six (6)months, a fine of not more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), or both.
(b) Any person licensed pursuant to this act who violates theprovisions of this act is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonmentfor not more than six (6) months, a fine of not more than seven hundred fiftydollars ($750.00), or both.