Chapter 31 - Warehousemen, Bonded



33-31-101. Operation authorized; filing and execution of bond; actionupon bond; additional bond.


Anywarehouseman as provided by W.S. 34-17-101 through 34-17-106 may operate hisbusiness under said chapter as a bonded warehouseman upon filing a bond asherein provided in the office of the county clerk in the county wherein may besituated his principal warehouse, tanks, or other place of storage. Such bondshall run to the state of Wyoming and be in a principal sum of not less thantwo thousand dollars ($2,000.00), and conditioned that said warehouseman shallconduct his business in compliance with the provisions of W.S. 34-17-101through 34-17-106, and shall be good for a stated term of not less than one (1)year from the date thereof. Said bond shall be executed by such warehouseman asprincipal and by a corporate surety company authorized to transact businessunder the laws of the state of Wyoming as surety, or by two (2) sureties,residents of this state, who shall be severally and jointly liable on said bondand who shall each justify before said county clerk as provided in W.S.1-1-105. Anyone injured by reason of a violation of the conditions of said bondmay bring suit thereon and recover the amount of damages sustained not inexcess of the principal sum of said bond; and if said bond shall becomeimpaired by reason of recovery of damages or for other reason during its termsuch warehouseman shall file an additional bond sufficient to make good suchimpairments.


33-31-102. Business permitted after approval and filing; renewal ofbonds or new bonds.


Uponthe approval and filing of said bond by the county clerk and during the termthereof while the principal sum therein is not impaired such warehouseman mayconduct his business under W.S. 34-17-101 through 34-17-106 as a bondedwarehouseman, and he may thereafter so continue as a bonded warehouseman byfiling renewals of said bond or new bonds for stated terms of not less than one(1) year.