Chapter 22 - Nursing Home Administrators
33-22-101. Definitions.
(a) For the purposes of this act and as used herein:
(i) The term "board" means the Wyoming state board ofnursing home administrators hereinafter created;
(ii) The term "nursing home administrator" means aperson who operates, manages, supervises, or is in charge of a nursing home.
33-22-102. Board of nursing home administrators created; composition;appointment; removal; qualifications and terms of members.
(a) The Wyoming state board of nursing home administrators iscreated to consist of five (5) members appointed by the governor. The directorof the department of health, or his designee, who is a member of a healthprofession concerned with the care of the chronically ill or aged patient,shall serve as an ex officio member of the board but shall not vote. Thegovernor may remove any member he appoints as provided in W.S. 9-1-202.
(b) One (1) appointee shall hold the degree of doctor ofmedicine and be licensed to practice medicine in Wyoming. One (1) appointeeshall be a registered nurse duly licensed to practice professional nursing inWyoming, who is not employed by a nursing home. One (1) appointee shall be aconsumer representative selected from the general public. The remaining two (2)appointees shall each be an operator-administrator of a nursing home withinWyoming, and have two (2) years' experience as a nursing homeoperator-administrator within Wyoming.
(c) The terms of all appointed members shall be four (4) years.Any vacancy shall be filled by the governor for the unexpired term. No morethan three (3) members of this board shall be from the same political party.
33-22-103. License; issuance; qualifications; waiver of additionalqualifications.
Theboard shall have authority to issue licenses to qualified persons as nursinghome administrators. No license shall be issued to a person as a nursing homeadministrator unless he shall have submitted evidence satisfactory to the boardof his ability to supervise a nursing home.
33-22-104. License; annual fee; expiration.
Eachperson licensed as a nursing home administrator shall be required to pay anannual license fee in an amount to be fixed by the board pursuant to W.S.33-1-201. Each such license shall expire on the 31st day of December followingissuance, and shall be renewable for a calendar year, upon payment of theannual license fee.
33-22-105. Disposition of fees; board of nursing home administrators'account.
Allfees shall be received and collected as provided by law. The state treasurershall keep the same in a separate account, which may be used and expended bythe board to pay the compensation and travel expenses of members and employeesof the board, and other expenses necessary for the board to administer andcarry out the provisions of this act.
33-22-106. Officers of board; rules and regulations; compensation ofboard; necessary personnel.
Theboard shall elect from its membership a chairman, vice-chairman and secretary-treasurer,and shall adopt rules and regulations to govern its proceedings. This boardwill serve without compensation except for travel and per diem at the usualrate of other state officials. The board may employ and fix the compensationand duties of necessary personnel to assist it in the performance of itsduties.
33-22-107. Determining qualifications of administrator; examinations;holder of license deemed qualified.
Theboard shall have sole and exclusive authority to determine the qualifications,skill and fitness of any person to serve as an administrator of a nursing homeor similar institution. The board may give examinations and shall determine thesubjects of examination for applicants for licensure as nursing homeadministrators, and the scope, content and format of such examinations which inany examination shall be the same for all candidates; provided, however, thatsuch examinations shall include examination of the applicant to demonstrate hisproficiency in the rules and regulations of health and safety. The holder of alicense under the provisions of this act shall be deemed qualified to serve asthe administrator of a nursing home.
33-22-108. Powers and duties of board.
(a) The board shall:
(i) Develop, impose and enforce standards which must be met byindividuals in order to receive a license as a nursing home administrator,which standards shall be designed to insure that nursing home administratorswill be individuals who are of good character and are otherwise suitable, andwho, by training or experience, in the field of institutional administration,are qualified to serve as nursing home administrators;
(ii) Develop and apply appropriate techniques, includingexaminations and investigations, for determining whether an individual meetssuch standards;
(iii) Issue licenses to individuals determined, after applicationof such techniques, to meet such standards, and revoke or suspend licensespreviously issued by the board in any case where the individual holding suchlicense is determined substantially to have failed to conform to therequirements of such standards, subject to the provisions of the WyomingAdministrative Procedure Act;
(iv) Conduct a continuing study and investigation of nursinghomes and administrators of nursing homes within the state with a view to theimprovement of the standards imposed for the licensing of such administratorsand of procedures and methods for the enforcement of standards with respect toadministrators of nursing homes who have been licensed as such;
(v) Establish and carry out procedures designed to insure thatindividuals licensed as nursing home administrators will, during any periodthat they serve as such, comply with the requirements of such standards;
(vi) Receive, investigate, and take appropriate action withrespect to, any charge or complaint filed with the board to the effect that anyindividual licensed as a nursing home administrator has failed to comply withthe requirements of such standards; and
(vii) Upon receipt from the department of family services of acertified copy of an order from a court to withhold, suspend or otherwiserestrict a license issued by the board, notify the party named in the courtorder of the withholding, suspension or restriction of the license inaccordance with the terms of the court order. No appeal under the WyomingAdministrative Procedure Act shall be allowed for a license withheld, suspendedor restricted under this paragraph.
33-22-109. Rules and regulations.
Theboard shall have the authority to make such rules and regulations notinconsistent with law as may be necessary for the proper performance of itsduties, and to take such other action as may be necessary to enable the stateto meet the requirements set forth in section 1908 of the Social Security Act,the federal rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and other pertinentfederal authority.
33-22-110. Misdemeanor.
Itshall be unlawful and a misdemeanor for any person to act or serve in thecapacity of a nursing home administrator unless he is the holder of a licenseas a nursing home administrator, issued in accordance with the provisions ofthis act.