Chapter 17 - Hotel Keepers
33-17-101. Limitation of liability; permitted if safe provided andnotice posted.
Everylandlord or keeper of a public inn or hotel in this state, who shall keep inhis place of business an iron safe, in good order and suitable for the purposehereinafter named, and who shall post or cause to be posted in some conspicuousplace in his office, and on the inside of every entrance door to every bedchamber, the notice hereinafter mentioned, shall not be liable for the loss ofany money, jewelry or other valuables belonging to his guests or customers,unless such loss shall occur by the hand or through the negligence of suchlandlord, or by a clerk or servant employed by him in such hotel or inn;provided, that nothing herein contained shall apply to such amount of money orother valuables as is usually common and prudent for any such guest to retainin his room or about his person.
33-17-102. Limitation of liability; form of notice.
Thenotice required by this act shall be substantially as follows: "Notice ishereby given that the proprietor of this house keeps an iron safe suitable forthe safe deposit of money, jewelry or other valuable articles belonging to hisguests or customers, and unless they leave their money, jewelry, preciousstones or other valuables with the landlord, his agent or clerk, in order thathe may deposit the same for safe keeping in such iron safe, he will not beliable for the loss thereof."
33-17-103. Hotel keepers' lien.
Anykeeper of a hotel or boarding house or lodging house or restaurant shall have alien upon the baggage or other personal property of any person who shall haveobtained board or lodging or both, from such keeper, for the amount due forsuch board or lodging, and such keeper is hereby authorized to retain thepossession of such baggage, or personal property until said amount is paid. Ifthe amount due for such board or lodging is not paid within sixty (60) daysfrom the time the same shall have become due and payable, any such keeper mayproceed to have such baggage or other personal property sold for thesatisfaction of his lien in the following manner: He shall give ten (10) daysprior notice of the sale of said articles by him held under his lien, a copy ofwhich he shall immediately transmit, by registered letter, to the owner of thearticles at his usual place of abode if known, and he shall post said noticesof sale in three (3) conspicuous and public places in the city, town, villageor place where said keeper resides, giving a description of the articles to besold and the time and place of sale, one (1) of which notices shall be postedin the office of the hotel, lodging house, boarding house or restaurant, ifstill maintained. At the time mentioned in said notices, the said keeper mayproceed to sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, all of such personalproperty held under the lien, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to payhis claim, and the residue of the unsold property, together with the surplusproceeds of such property sold, if any, he shall surrender to the owner, hisheirs or legal representatives, on application therefor.
33-17-104. Room rates to be posted.
Thereshall be posted in plain view of any guest or guests occupying such room orrooms on the inside of the door of each lodging room in every hotel or inn acard of a size not less than four (4) by six (6) inches on which shall beplainly printed in the English language in type no smaller than one-quarter ofan inch high the rate per day as applying to one (1) or more guests.
33-17-105. Penalty for violation of W.S. 33-17-104.
Anyhotel keeper or inn keeper violating the provisions of this act shall be guiltyof a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be fined not less than tendollars ($10.00) or not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00).