Chapter 11 - Identification Of Vehicles And Prevention Of Theft
31-11-101. Definitions.
(a) As used in this act:
(i) "Calendar year" means the twelve (12) calendarmonths beginning January 1 and ending December 31;
(ii) "Dealer" means all persons engaged in thebusiness or vocation of manufacturing, buying, selling, trading, dealing,destroying, disposing of, storing or salvaging vehicles, or secondhand or usedvehicle parts, equipment, attachments, accessories or appurtenances common toor a part of vehicles;
(iii) "Department" means the Wyoming department oftransportation;
(iv) "Driver" means the person operating, driving orin control of a vehicle;
(v) "Officer" means any duly constituted peaceofficer of this state, or of any town, city or county in this state;
(vi) "Owner" means as provided by W.S.31-5-102(a)(xxvi);
(vii) "Public highway" means any public street,thoroughfare, roadway, alley, lane or bridge in any county, town or city in thestate;
(viii) "Vehicle" means as defined by W.S.31-5-102(a)(lviii) except bicycles;
(ix) "Vehicle identification number" means anyidentifying number, serial number, engine number if the model year is prior to1956 or other distinguishing number or mark, including letters, if any, placedon a vehicle or vehicle component by its manufacturer or by authority of thedepartment;
(x) "This act" means W.S. 31-11-101 through31-11-111.
31-11-102. Unauthorized use of vehicle; penalty.
Anyperson who without specific authority of the owner or his authorized andaccredited agent willfully, wantonly, or maliciously takes possession of, ordrives, propels or takes away, or attempts to take possession of, drive,propel, or take away a vehicle, the property of another, for the purpose oftemporarily making use of the vehicle, or who knowingly aids, abets or assistsanother in so doing, upon conviction, is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable byimprisonment for not more than one (1) year, a fine of not more than onethousand dollars ($1,000.00), or both.
31-11-103. Alteration of vehicle identification numbers; penalty.
(a) No person shall:
(i) Remove, change, alter or obliterate the vehicleidentification number of a vehicle with intent to defraud by altering ordisguising the identity of a vehicle; or
(ii) Possess a vehicle or vehicle component with knowledge thatit has a vehicle identification number which has been removed, changed, alteredor obliterated in violation of paragraph (i) of this subsection.
(b) A person who violates this section is guilty of a felonypunishable by imprisonment for not more than ten (10) years.
31-11-104. Sale of seized vehicles; disposition of proceeds; proof ofownership after sale.
Allvehicles seized under W.S. 31-11-111 remaining unclaimed after ninety (90) daysfrom the date of seizure, shall be sold by the department or its authorizedrepresentative, at public auction, to the highest bidder. Notice of sale shallbe published not less than ten (10) days preceding the date of the sale, in anewspaper of general circulation in the county where the vehicle is to be sold,giving a full description of the vehicle together with engine or serial numbersor marks, if any. All expenses incident to the sale and storage of the vehicleshall be first paid from the receipts from the sale, and any residue shall bepaid by the department to the state treasurer for credit to the general fund.Should any claimant prove ownership of a vehicle sold by the department underthis act within six (6) months after the date of sale, the state auditor shallupon proper proof of ownership approved by the department, draw a warrant uponthe state treasurer in favor of the claimant for the amount which was paid intothe state treasury.
31-11-105. Special vehicle identification number.
(a) An owner of a vehicle that does not have a vehicleidentification number present or an owner of a vehicle for which a Wyomingcertificate of title has been issued or is required who replaces any part ofthe vehicle on which the vehicle identification number appears or whoincorporates a part containing the vehicle identification number into anothervehicle, shall apply to the department forthwith for a special vehicleidentification number. The department shall determine that the applicant forthe special vehicle identification number is the lawful owner of the vehicle.An application blank shall be furnished by the department for the registrationof the special vehicle identification number containing a complete descriptionof the vehicle, the name and address of the owner, from whom purchased andother information as required by the department. The owner shall pay aregistration fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) for the special vehicle identificationnumber.
(b) In designating special vehicle identification numbers forvehicles the department shall assign the numbers consecutively, beginning withthe number five hundred one (501), preceded by the letter "S" andfollowed by the letter "W" in the order of the filing of applicationsfor special vehicle identification numbers. The department shall not registeror reregister any vehicle with a defective vehicle identification number.
31-11-106. General penalties.
Anyperson violating any provision of this act unless otherwise specificallyprovided for in this act, is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine ofnot more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), imprisonment for not morethan six (6) months, or both.
31-11-107. Daily records of vehicle dealers; penalties for violations.
(a) Every dealer shall keep and maintain in his place ofbusiness, a permanent legibly written daily record of all vehicles and vehiclecomponents which carry a vehicle identification number coming into hispossession except those vehicles received by him for the express purpose ofrepairs that do not require the replacement of any component that bears avehicle identification number. The record shall include the name and address ofthe owner or vendor, the date of the transactions, the model year, make andstyle, vehicle identification number, the state registration license number andthe purpose and disposition of the vehicle or component. The record is to beopen at all times to the inspection by the department or any peace officer andavailable for use as evidence. Daily records may be destroyed after retentionfor three (3) years.
(b) Every person offering or delivering to a dealer for resaleor consignment any vehicle or vehicle component which carries a vehicleidentification number shall register his name, address and the name andaddress of the owner in the record kept by the dealer. The driver, on requestor demand of the dealer or his agent, shall produce for examination the vehiclestate registration license certificate issued to the driver or to the owner ofthe vehicle.
(c) Any person knowingly violating any provision of thissection shall be punished by a fine not to exceed seven hundred fifty dollars($750.00), by imprisonment not to exceed six (6) months, or both.
(d) Any person knowingly and with intent to defraud violatingany provision of this section shall be punished by a fine not to exceed fivethousand dollars ($5,000.00), by imprisonment not to exceed five (5) years, orboth.
31-11-108. Examination of vehicle identification numbers; notificationwhere number altered; penalties for violations.
(a) Every dealer shall examine, without charge, the vehicleidentification number of every vehicle coming into his possession except thosevehicles received by him for the express purpose of repairs that do not requirethe replacement of any component that bears a vehicle identification number.The dealer is not required to examine the vehicle identification number of thesame vehicle more than once in the same calendar year when the dealer knowsthat the person in possession of the vehicle is the lawful owner. The dealershall promptly notify the local sheriff's office if the vehicle identificationnumber of the vehicle has been altered, changed or obliterated as to make thenumber indecipherable or if the vehicle identification number or the stateregistration license number of the vehicle does not correspond with the vehicleidentification number of the vehicle state registration certificate.
(b) Any person knowingly violating this section shall bepunished by a fine not to exceed seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), byimprisonment in the county jail not to exceed six (6) months, or both.
(c) Any person knowingly and with intent to defraud violatingthis section shall be punished by a fine not to exceed five thousand dollars($5,000.00), by imprisonment not to exceed five (5) years, or both.
31-11-109. Report of stored or parked vehicles; offenses and penalties.
(a) Whenever any vehicle has been stored, parked or left in agarage, or any type of storage or parking lot for more than thirty (30) days,the owner of the garage or lot shall report the make, engine number, vehicleidentification number and serial number of the vehicle in writing to thesheriff of the county in which the garage or lot is located.
(b) Nothing in this section applies where:
(i) Arrangements have been made for continuous storage orparking by the owner of the vehicle parked or stored;
(ii) Arrangements for towing or storage have been made by a lawenforcement agency; or
(iii) The owner of the vehicle is personally known to the owneror operator of the garage or lot.
(c) Any person who fails to submit the report required underthis section at the end of thirty (30) days shall forfeit all claims forstorage of the vehicles.
31-11-110. Surrender and cancellation of certificate of title;penalties for violations.
(a) The owner of any vehicle for which a Wyoming certificate oftitle has been issued, upon the destruction or dismantling of the vehicle orupon its being changed in such a manner that it is no longer a vehicle, or uponits being sold or otherwise disposed of as salvage, shall surrender hiscertificate of title to the department and take a receipt therefor. Upon theowner's procuring the consent of the holders of any security interest noted onthe certificate of title and shown to be unreleased, the certificate may becancelled.
(b) Any person who knowingly violates this section shall bepunished by a fine not to exceed seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), byimprisonment not to exceed six (6) months, or both.
(c) Any person who, with intent to defraud, violates thissection shall be punished by a fine not to exceed five thousand dollars($5,000.00), by imprisonment not to exceed five (5) years, or both.
31-11-111. Seizure of vehicles by officers.
Allofficers, having probable cause, may take and hold possession of any vehiclefor a reasonable time not to exceed ninety (90) days as may be necessary if thevehicle identification number of the vehicle has been altered, removed, changedor obliterated. Any officer taking possession of a vehicle shall immediatelynotify the local sheriff's office and the rightful owner, if known. Thenotification shall contain a description of the vehicle and any other factsthat may assist in locating the rightful owner or in prosecuting any person fora violation of law.