Chapter 8 - Enhanced Oil Recovery
30-8-101. Enhanced and improved oil recovery commission created;duties.
(a) The Wyoming enhanced and improved oil recovery commissionis created. The commission shall consist of eight (8) members. The governor andthe state geologist shall serve as ex officio members of the commission. One(1) legislative member shall be appointed by the management council of thelegislature who shall serve as an ex officio member of the commission. Thegovernor shall appoint the remaining members of whom one (1) shall be from thepublic at large with experience in the oil and gas industry, one (1) shall be amember of the oil and gas conservation commission, two (2) shall represent theoil and gas industry and one (1) shall be a representative of the University ofWyoming. The gubernatorial appointments shall be confirmed by the senate.Appointed members shall serve three (3) year terms. Members of the commissionshall not receive any fees, salary or other compensation for services renderedbut are entitled to receive per diem and mileage on the same basis and at thesame rate as state employees and reimbursement for any other actual andnecessary expenses incurred in the performance of commission duties. Thegovernor may remove any appointed member as provided in W.S. 9-1-202. Exceptfor the legislative member, initial appointments or any vacancy occurringbetween sessions of the legislature may be filled by the governor in accordancewith W.S. 28-12-101(b). The commission shall be staffed by executive branchagencies as designated by the governor.
(b) The commission, in conjunction with the University ofWyoming and oil and gas industry research entities, shall develop:
(i) A research program at the institute for energy research andenhanced oil recovery at the University of Wyoming. The program shall focus onoil and gas recovery technological issues, including carbon dioxide separation,reservoir sweep performance and reservoir displacement efficiency;
(ii) An expanded program at the institute focusing on technologytransfer, to help industry with access to and application of existing enhancedoil recovery and improved oil recovery technology. The program shall bedesigned to promote research and technology transfer efforts, including polymerand surfactant flooding, horizontal drilling, zone specific fracturing andthree dimensional seismic infill drilling;
(iii) A research program to identify and evaluate all potentialsources of carbon dioxide for the purpose of reducing emissions in the state,increasing potential source points for use of industrial carbon dioxide anddecreasing the cost of carbon dioxide to industrial users;
(iv) A research program for chemical engineering research oncarbon dioxide separation from power plant flue gas, including experiments,theoretical models, laboratory and prototype testing.
(c) In developing programs under subsection (b) of thissection, the commission shall direct development to economically viablesolutions.
(d) The commission:
(i) Shall oversee and direct development of the programsdeveloped pursuant to subsection (b) of this section;
(ii) May seek and utilize government and private grants tofurther the duties of the commission and purposes of this section;
(iii) Shall facilitate the development of formal agreementsbetween the institute and the oil and gas industry through which the industryis provided access to the institute's geologic and engineering reservoirmodeling and reservoir characterization work in exchange for providing dataaccess and testing facilities;
(iv) Shall promote and facilitate the transfer of newtechnologies developed at the institute throughout the oil and gas industry inthis state;
(v) May establish advisory task forces to evaluate theresponsiveness of programs developed under this section, the effectiveness oftechnology transfer and funding from nonstate sources.
(e) Repealed By Laws 2008, Ch. 44, 2.
(f) As used in this section:
(i) "Commission" means the Wyoming enhanced andimproved oil recovery commission;
(ii) "Enhanced oil recovery and improved oil recovery"means all existing and potential technology to recover oil beyond traditionalprimary and secondary methods;
(iii) "Institute" means the institute for energyresearch and enhanced oil recovery at the University of Wyoming.