Chapter 12 - Senate Confirmation Of Gubernatorial Appointments
28-12-101. Appointments by governor; vacancies.
(a) The governor shall submit to the senate the name, addressand occupation of each person he proposes for appointment to public office andfor which senate advice and consent is required under either the constitutionor laws of this state. In addition and for those appointments for whichpolitical party affiliation is specified by law, the governor shall provide thesenate with documentation of compliance with W.S. 9-1-218(e). The informationrequired by this section shall be submitted to the senate by:
(i) Noon on the thirtieth legislative working day during thegeneral and budget session; and
(ii) Noon on the twelfth legislative working day during thebudget session.
(b) The governor may fill any vacancy occurring between sessionsof the legislature by temporary appointment to be effective until March 1 ofthe ensuing calendar year.
28-12-102. Senate consideration of gubernatorial appointments;procedure; roll call vote required.
(a) The senate, in a manner it determines, shall review thequalifications of each person whose name is submitted to it for considerationin accordance with W.S. 28-12-101(a).
(b) After review of nominees in accordance with subsection (a)of this section, the senate, within five (5) legislative working days aftersubmission by roll call vote, shall confirm or reject each gubernatorialnominee requiring the advice and consent of the senate.
(c) If the senate does not consent to a nominee for a givenoffice, the governor shall submit the name, address and biography of anotherperson for senate consideration if the legislature is still in session. If thelegislature has adjourned, the governor may make a temporary appointment asprovided in W.S. 28-12-101(b). No person rejected by the senate shall beappointed to or serve in, either temporarily or otherwise, the public officefor which his nomination was rejected.
28-12-103. Expiration date of appointees' terms.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law,effective July 1, 1979, after the expiration of the current term of office ofeach person appointed by the governor and required to be confirmed by thesenate, the next term of that office expires on March 1 during the year ofregular expiration. Thereafter, each term, as specified in this section, andeach term of office on any board, commission or committee created by the lawsof this state after July 1, 1979, and for which senate confirmation isrequired, expires on March 1 during the year of regular expiration.Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the term of an attorney generalserving pursuant to W.S. 9-1-601(b) shall terminate as provided by thatsubsection.