Chapter 11 - Select Committees
28-11-101. Appointment of members; powers and duties; related duties ofwater development commission.
(a) Not later than March 15 following each general election, aselect water committee shall be appointed subject to the following:
(i) The president of the senate shall appoint six (6) membersof the senate apportioned as nearly as possible to reflect the percentage ofthe elected membership of the majority and minority parties of the senate,provided not more than four (4) of the members shall be from the same politicalparty;
(ii) The speaker of the house of representatives shall appointsix (6) members of the house apportioned as nearly as possible to reflect thepercentage of the elected membership of the majority and minority parties ofthe house, provided not more than four (4) of the members shall be from thesame political party;
(iii) Insofar as possible, of the six (6) members appointed fromeach house, one (1) shall reside in and be appointed from each of the four (4)water divisions in the state and two (2) at large. The presiding officer mayappoint three (3) of the six (6) members at large, provided that no more thantwo (2) members shall reside in the same water division.
(b) The select committee shall:
(i) Select from among its members a chairman, vice-chairman andsecretary;
(ii) Monitor water development commission progress with regardto projects specified in Chapter 60, 1982 Session Laws and other projectsspecified by law;
(iii) Prepare and submit to the joint agriculture, state andpublic lands and water resources interim committee as part of the reportrequired of the water development commission under W.S. 41-2-118(a) not laterthan January 1 of each year a report detailing the water developmentcommission's progress, the activities of the committee, specifying anycommittee recommendations and continue development of a water policy as providedby Section 15, Chapter 60, 1982 Session Laws;
(iv) Repealed by Laws 1986, ch. 113, 14.
(v) Review the budgets of all projects and makerecommendations.
(c) The water development commission shall:
(i) Provide the select committee with notice of all commissionmeetings. The select committee and the commission may hold joint meetings;
(ii) Not enter into any contract or contract amendment involvingthe expenditure of more than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) of any fundsauthorized for any project under Chapter 60, 1982 Session Laws or under W.S.41-2-114, until thirty (30) days after the contract or contract amendment hasbeen submitted to the legislative service office for distribution to members ofthe select committee for review and recommendation;
(iii) Provide information to the select committee upon request toassist the select committee to monitor progress.
(d) The select committee may:
(i) Secure consulting services, if necessary, to providetechnical assistance in inspecting and reviewing construction projects,drilling programs, budgets or other issues related to the water projectsapproved by the legislature;
(ii) Review the budgets prepared by the water developmentcommission for each separate water project under its control;
(iii) Inspect any construction, drilling or waterworks onapproved water projects.
28-11-201. Appointment of members; powers and duties.
(a) Not later than March 15 following each general election,the president of the senate shall appoint six (6) members of the senate, andthe speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint six (6) members ofthe house to a select committee on capital financing and investments. Not more thanfour (4) members from each house shall be from the same political party.
(b) The select committee shall:
(i) Select from among its members a chairman and vice-chairman;
(ii) Monitor the establishment and implementation of stateinvestment policy by the state loan and investment board under W.S. 9-4-716,including the extent to which investment goals are being achieved;
(iii) Monitor the establishment and implementation of statecapital financing policy by the state building commission and any other stateentity charged with capital financing;
(iv) Prepare and submit recommendations to the legislature,including sponsoring legislation, to improve statutes related to the investmentof state and local government funds;
(v) Develop knowledge and expertise among its members regardingissues related to investment of public funds and capital financing.
(c) The state loan and investment board shall:
(i) Provide the select committee with notice and minutes of allboard meetings. The select committee and the board may hold joint meetings;
(ii) Provide information to the select committee upon request toassist the select committee to monitor progress.
(d) The select committee may:
(i) Secure consulting services, if necessary, to providetechnical assistance regarding state investment policy;
(ii) Review budgets and expenditures related to any aspect ofstate investment policy and its implementation;
(iii) Review budgets and expenditures related to any aspect ofstate capital financing policy and its implementation.
28-11-301. Appointment of members; powers and duties; related duties ofschool facilities commission.
(a) Not later than March 15 following each general session, thepresident of the senate shall appoint five (5) members of the senate and thespeaker of the house shall appoint five (5) members of the house to a selectcommittee on school facilities. Not more than three (3) members from each houseshall be from the same political party.
(b) The select committee shall:
(i) Select from among its members a chairman and vice-chairman;
(ii) Meet at least quarterly;
(iii) Monitor the assessment of statewide school facility needs,prioritization of these needs and remediation of identified needs, asundertaken by the school facilities commission pursuant to law;
(iv) Develop knowledge and expertise among its members regardingissues pertaining to school facilities and commission programs and proceduresto maintain statewide facility adequacy;
(v) Not later than November 1 of each year, prepare and submitbudget recommendations based upon information reported by the commission underW.S. 21-15-119 and 21-15-121, addressing statewide building and facility needsto the joint appropriations committee and the governor. Based upon reportssubmitted under W.S. 21-15-119 and 21-15-121, the select committee may reportrecommendations to the legislature including any necessary implementinglegislation;
(vi) Review commission proposals for rules and regulations andprovide recommendations to the commission concerning the proposed regulations.
(c) The school facilities commission shall:
(i) Provide the select committee with notice of all commissionmeetings;
(ii) Provide the committee with commission reports and studiespertaining to school building and facility remediation projects;
(iii) Provide information to the select committee upon request toassist the select committee in monitoring progress under paragraph (b)(iii) ofthis section and in reviewing budget recommendations under paragraph (b)(v) ofthis section;
(iv) Using accepted accounting standards, account for all fundsappropriated by the legislature for each fiscal period and not less than four(4) times during each fiscal year, report expenditures of appropriated amountsand separately identify and report any expenditures which are modified fromthose amounts specified within the proposed budget submitted to the selectcommittee under W.S. 21-15-119. Any such modification of expenditures oflegislative appropriations shall be executed only upon the express approval andauthorization of the commission, shall be within the sole authority of thecommission and shall not be delegated by the commission.
(d) The select committee may review the budgets prepared by theschool facilities commission for each separate project contained within thetotal budget request submitted under W.S. 21-15-119 and may request additionaldocumentation associated with the development of the project for inclusionwithin the budget request.
28-11-401. Appointment of members; powers and duties; related duties ofwildlife and natural resource trust account board.
(a) Not later than March 15 following each general election, aselect natural resource funding committee shall be appointed subject to thefollowing:
(i) The president of the senate shall appoint three (3) membersof the senate apportioned as nearly as possible to reflect the percentage ofthe elected membership of the majority and minority parties of the senate,provided not more than two (2) of the members shall be from the same politicalparty;
(ii) The speaker of the house of representatives shall appointthree (3) members of the house apportioned as nearly as possible to reflect thepercentage of the elected membership of the majority and minority parties ofthe house, provided not more than two (2) of the members shall be from the samepolitical party.
(b) The select committee shall:
(i) Select from among its members two (2) members to serve asco-chairmen;
(ii) Monitor wildlife and natural resource trust account boardprogress with regard to projects specified in W.S. 9-15-101 et seq. and otherprojects specified by law;
(iii) Review the budgets of all projects funded from the wildlifeand natural resource trust income account as created in W.S. 9-15-103(b) andsponsor legislation to fund expenditures from the account as recommended by theselect committee.
(c) The wildlife and natural resource trust account boardshall:
(i) Provide the select committee with notice of all boardmeetings. The select committee and the board may hold joint meetings;
(ii) Provide information to the select committee upon request toassist the select committee to monitor progress of projects.
(d) The select committee may:
(i) Secure consulting services, if necessary, to providetechnical assistance in reviewing project grant applications, budgets or otherissues related to projects funded under this act;
(ii) Review the project grant applications for large projectsforwarded by the wildlife and natural resource trust account board.