Chapter 10 - Collective Bargaining For Fire Fighters
27-10-101. Definitions.
(a) As used in this act the following terms shall, unless thecontext requires a different interpretation, have the following meanings:
(i) The term "fire fighters" shall mean the paidmembers of any regularly constituted fire department in any city, town orcounty within the state;
(ii) The term "corporate authorities" shall mean thecouncil, commission or other proper officials of any city, town or county,whose duty or duties it is to establish wages, salaries, rates of pay, workingconditions, and other conditions of employment of fire fighters.
27-10-102. Right to collective bargaining and representation bybargaining agent.
Thefire fighters in any city, town or county shall have the right to bargaincollectively with their respective cities, towns or counties and to berepresented by a bargaining agent in such collective bargaining as to wages,rates of pay, working conditions and all other terms and conditions ofemployment.
27-10-103. Selection of exclusive bargaining agent by majority;withdrawal of agent by majority.
Theorganization selected by the majority of the fire fighters in any city, town orcounty shall be recognized as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for allof the members of the department, unless and until recognition of suchbargaining agent is withdrawn by vote of a majority of the fire fighters.
27-10-104. Obligation of city, town or county to meet with agent afterwritten notice; written contract of agreement.
Itshall be the obligation of the city, town or county, through its corporateauthorities, to meet and confer in good faith with the representative orrepresentatives of the bargaining agent within ten (10) days after receipt ofwritten notice from said bargaining agent of the request for a meeting forcollective bargaining purposes. This obligation shall include the duty to causeany agreement resulting from negotiations to be reduced to a written contract,provided that no such contract shall exceed the term of two (2) years.
27-10-105. When issues to be submitted to arbitration.
Inthe event that the bargaining agent and the corporate authorities are unable,within thirty (30) days from and including the date of their first meeting, toreach an agreement on a contract, any and all unresolved issues shall besubmitted to arbitration.
27-10-106. Selection of arbitrators.
Withinfive (5) days from the expiration of the thirty (30) day period referred to inW.S. 27-10-105, the bargaining agent and the corporate authorities shall eachselect and name one (1) arbitrator and shall immediately thereafter notify eachother in writing of the name and address of the person so selected. The two (2)arbitrators so selected and named shall, within ten (10) days from and afterthe expiration of the five (5) day period hereinbefore mentioned, agree uponand select and name a third arbitrator. If on the expiration of the periodallowed therefor the arbitrators are unable to agree upon the selection of athird arbitrator, a district judge of the judicial district within which thecity is located, shall select him upon request in writing from either thebargaining agent or the corporate authorities. The third arbitrator, whetherselected as a result of agreement between the two (2) arbitrators previouslyselected, or selected by a district judge, shall act as chairman of thearbitration board.
27-10-107. Arbitration procedure.
Arbitrationshall proceed pursuant to the provisions of the Uniform Arbitration Act.
27-10-108. Collective bargaining contract; duration of contract.
Anyagreements actually negotiated between the bargaining agent and the corporateauthorities either before, or within thirty (30) days after arbitration, shallconstitute the collective bargaining contract governing fire fighters and saidcity, town or county for the period stated therein provided that term of such contractshall not exceed two (2) years.
27-10-109. Notice of request for bargaining prior to day on which moneycan be appropriated.
Wheneverwages, rates of pay, or any other matter requiring appropriation of money byany city, town or county are included as matter of collective bargainingconducted under the provisions of this act, it is the obligation of thebargaining agent to serve written notice of request for collective bargainingon the corporate authorities at least one hundred twenty (120) days before thelast day on which money can be appropriated by the city, town or county tocover the contract period which is the subject of the collective bargainingprocedure.