Chapter 7 - Election Districts And Precincts
22-7-101. Election districts.
Theboard of county commissioners with the advice or recommendation of the countyclerk, no later than its first meeting in April in every general election yearshall divide the county into not more than thirty (30) election districts. Eachdistrict shall be designated by number. Election districts shall be changedonly at this designated meeting.
22-7-102. Change in precinct boundary.
(a) A precinct boundary shall not be changedunless a notice describing all proposed changes is published once a week forthree (3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in thecounty. The board shall also mail by certified mail return receipt requestedcopy of this notice to the county chairman of each political party in thecounty not later than fifteen (15) days before the meeting at which theproposed changes will be discussed. A proposed change in a precinct boundarymay be finalized by the board only at the designated meeting. Each precinctshall be designated by number.
(b) However, changes to municipal precinctboundaries due to the annexation of any territory shall be effective upon thedate provided in the ordinance.
22-7-103. Establishing or altering election districts or precincts;designation of special precincts.
(a) In establishing or altering electiondistricts or voting precincts, the board of county commissioners shall beguided by the interests and convenience of the greatest number of electorsinvolved. Election districts and voting precincts shall coincide with theboundary of a municipality or ward therein and school and community collegetrustee residence areas and shall not cross municipal boundaries except incases where the board of county commissioners finds, and specifies in theminutes of its meeting the reasons why it is not practical to conform theboundaries of the election district or precinct to the municipal boundary.
(b) For elections other than the primary andgeneral election, the county commissioners may designate different precinctsthan those used in the general election.
22-7-104. Procedure following resolution altering precinct area.
Withinfive (5) days after the adoption of a resolution dividing or consolidating aprecinct, or changing a precinct boundary, the county clerk shall send acertified copy of the resolution to the secretary of state and to the countychairman of each political party and notify by mail all registered electorsreceiving a new precinct number.
22-7-105. Election district number to precede precinct number.
Wheneverthey are both referred to, the election district number shall precede thevoting precinct number.