Chapter 22 - School Elections
22-22-101. Cost of school or community college district elections.
Thecost of a school or community college district election or equitablyproportioned shares of a concurrent election as determined by the county clerkshall be paid by the appropriate board from the funds of the school district orcommunity college district.
22-22-102. Date of election of trustees; terms; interim vacancies.
(a) The election of members of the board of trustees of eachschool district and community college district shall be held at the regularpolling places in each district on the Tuesday next following the first Mondayin November in general election years. Terms of office shall run for four (4)years beginning at 12:00 noon on the first day in December following theelection.
(b) Repealed by Laws 1985, ch. 204, 2.
(c) Not more than a simple majority of members of the board oftrustees of each school district and each community college district shall beelected at any election unless the election is to fill an unexpired term.
22-22-103. Establishment of election dates by boards of countycommissioners.
Forschool or community college district elections set by boards of countycommissioners, in determining the date of an election each county commissioner'svote shall be weighted in proportion to the number of county commissioners andthe population of electors of the district residing within that commissioner'scounty. The population of electors shall be determined by the most recentvoter registration lists.
22-22-201. Eligibility for office.
(a) A qualified elector resident in a schooldistrict is eligible to hold the office of school district trustee in theschool district, but only from the trustee residence area in which he residesif the district is divided into residence areas.
(b) A qualified elector resident in acommunity college district may be elected to the district board of thecommunity college district, but only from the subdistrict in which he residesif the district is divided into subdistricts.
22-22-202. Filing of application; form.
(a) A qualified elector may be nominated for the office ofschool district trustee or member of a community college board by filing anapplication for election in the office of the county clerk not more than ninety(90) nor less than seventy (70) days prior to the election. The applicationshall be in substantially the following form:
I, the undersigned,swear or affirm that I was born on ...., ....(year), and that I have been aresident of the State of Wyoming since ...., and that I am a registered voterof the .... school district or community college district (and resident oftrustee residence area or subdistrict ...., if any), residing at ...., and I dohereby request that my name, ...., be printed on the ballot of the election tobe held on the .... day of ...., ....(year), as a candidate for the office of.... for a term of .... years. I hereby declare that if I am elected, I willqualify for the office.
Dated: ....
..........(Signature of Candidate)
....Name as it is to appear on the ballot
...............(Residence Address)
(b) Repealed by Laws 1983, ch. 80, 2.
22-22-203. Determining validity of application; placement on ballot;procedure for multi-county districts.
(a) The county clerk receiving a nominationapplication shall determine whether the person seeking nomination is aqualified candidate. If the application is sufficient in all respects, the nameof the person nominated shall appear on the official ballot for the electionspecified in the application. In the case of a school or community collegedistrict which crosses county boundaries, the clerk of the county in which a validapplication is filed shall certify the name of the person nominated to theclerk of the other county or counties involved for placement on the officialballot for the election specified in the application.
(b) Each county clerk in each election involvinga school or community college district which crosses county boundaries shalldetermine whether voting machines, electronic voting system, paper ballots, ora combination thereof, shall be used to insure that each qualified electorvotes only for the candidate or candidates from the school district and trusteeresidence area, if any, and from the community college district andsubdistrict, if any, for which he is entitled to vote.
22-22-301. "District" defined.
Asused in this article including W.S. 22-22-301 through 22-22-308, inclusive, theterm "district" refers to a community college district board or aschool district board of trustees.
22-22-302. Conduct of elections.
Unlessspecifically otherwise provided, a school or community college districtelection shall be governed by the laws regulating statewide elections and ineven-numbered years be conducted and canvassed by the same election officials,using the same poll lists, and at the same times and polling places, as countyelections.
22-22-303. Repealed By Laws 1998, ch. 100, 5.
22-22-304. Ballot information; format.
(a) The official ballot shall contain thefollowing information:
(i) The name of the school district orcommunity college district;
(ii) The county or counties in which thedistrict is located;
(iii) The number of offices to be filled, thelength of term for each office, and the number and names of candidates for eachoffice for whom each voter is entitled to vote;
(iv) In districts divided into trusteeresidence areas or subdistricts, the trustee residence area or subdistrict ofeach candidate and the number to be elected from each trustee residence area orsubdistrict;
(v) Ballot propositions to be voted on atthe election.
(b) Repealed By Laws 1998, ch. 100, 5.
22-22-305. Repealed By Laws 1998, ch. 100, 5.
22-22-306. Repealed By Laws 1998, ch. 100, 5.
22-22-307. Repealed By Laws 1998, ch. 100, 5.
22-22-308. Repealed By Laws 1998, ch. 100, 5.