Chapter 13 - Polling Place Regulations During Voting Hours
22-13-101. Poll hours; opening proclamation.
Pollsshall be open at seven (7:00) a.m. and close at seven (7:00) p.m., local time.A judge of election shall proclaim aloud at seven (7:00) a.m. at the polls thatthe polls are open.
22-13-102. Repealed By Laws 1998, ch. 100, 5.
22-13-103. Preservation of order; space around voting booths andmachines.
(a) Judges of election have the duty andauthority to preserve order at the polls by any necessary and suitable means.
(b) Except where physically impossible, aspace of twenty (20) feet around voting booths and voting machines shall bekept clear of all persons except voters marking ballots, election officialsdischarging their duties and challengers acting under legal authority.
22-13-104. Procedure before elector permitted to vote.
(a) Before a qualified elector is permitted to vote an electionjudge shall record the applicable information as listed in W.S.22-1-102(a)(xxiii) by his name on the poll list.
(i) Repealed By Laws 2005, ch. 110, 2.
(ii) Repealed By Laws 2005, ch. 110, 2.
(iii) Repealed By Laws 2005, ch. 110, 2.
(iv) Repealed By Laws 2005, ch. 110, 2.
(v) Repealed By Laws 2005, ch. 110, 2.
(b) Repealed By Laws 2005, ch. 110, 2.
(c) Repealed by Laws 1991, ch. 243, 5.
22-13-105. Official marking of paper and absentee ballots.
Beforedelivering a paper ballot to an elector or voting an absentee ballot in avoting machine precinct, a judge of election shall mark the ballot with theofficial ballot stamp on the back and near the top of the ballot. In the blankspaces in the stamped imprint the judge shall fill in the election district andprecinct numbers, the name of the county, the date, and the initials of thejudge. No other identifying marks shall be made on an official ballot. Anelector shall cast only one (1) ballot or set of ballots at each election.
22-13-106. Marking and depositing of paper ballots.
Uponreceiving a paper ballot, an elector shall proceed alone directly to a votingbooth and there mark the ballot. The ballot shall then immediately be placed inthe ballot box by the elector or judge of election.
22-13-107. Spoiled ballots.
Anelector spoiling a paper ballot by mistake or accident may receive anotherballot by returning the rejected ballot to a judge of election, not more thantwice. Spoiled ballots shall immediately be cancelled by a judge of electionand delivered with the returns to the county clerk or official conducting theelection.
22-13-108. Repealed By Laws 2008, Ch. 115, 2.
22-13-109. Instruction in use of voting machine.
Beforeentering the voting booth, an elector desiring instruction on the use of themachine may summon two (2) judges of different political parties. The judgesshall instruct on use of the machine but may not attempt to influence the vote.They may not remain in the booth after the elector has entered. A votingmachine or other device may be used in the polling place solely for instructionpurposes.
22-13-110. Entering write-in votes.
Write-invotes may be entered on a voting machine in the manner indicated byinstructions posted on the voting booth.
22-13-111. Repealed By Laws 2008, Ch. 115, 2.
22-13-112. Voting machine malfunction.
Votingmachines failing to function during voting hours shall be immediately repairedor replaced, as determined by the county clerk or other authority conductingthe election.
22-13-113. Persons permitted in voting booth; time limit.
(a) Not more than one (1) person may occupya voting booth at any time, except that any elector who requires assistance tovote because of blindness, disability or inability to read or write may begiven assistance by a person of the elector's choice, other than the elector'semployer or an agent of that employer or an officer or agent of the elector'sunion.
(b) A person may remain in the booth for not more than ten (10)minutes.
22-13-114. Papers to assist marking permitted.
Anelector may use a written or printed paper to assist in marking his ballot.
22-13-115. Repealed by Laws 1990, ch. 42, 1,2; 1991, ch. 243, 5.
22-13-116. Repealed By Laws 2009, Ch. 36, 2.
22-13-117. Announcement that polls will close; electors allowed tovote; proclamation of closing.
At6:30 p.m. the judges of election shall announce that the polls will close inthirty (30) minutes. Electors present and waiting to vote at 7:00 p.m. shall bepermitted to enter the polls and vote. No other elector shall be admitted tovote after 7:00 p.m. After all ballots are cast, the polls shall be declaredclosed by a judge of election making an official proclamation of closing.
22-13-118. Judges work schedule.
At the discretion of the county clerk,election judges may be allowed to work at the polling premise on election dayfor a period of time less than the total amount of time the polls are openprovided the polling station has a sufficient number of election judges on dutyat all times to comply with the requirements of this title. An election judgeshall not leave his polling station during his work shift.