Chapter 2 - Facsimile Seals And Signatures
16-2-101. Definitions.
(a) As used in this act:
(i) "Authorized officer" means any official of thisstate or any of its departments, agencies or other instrumentalities or any ofits political subdivisions whose signature to a public security or instrumentof payment is required or permitted;
(ii) "Facsimile signature" means the reproduction byengraving, imprinting, stamping or other means of the manual signature of anauthorized officer;
(iii) "Instrument of payment" means a check, draft,warrant or order for the payment, delivery or transfer of funds;
(iv) "Public security" means a bond, note, certificateof indebtedness or other obligation for the payment of money, issued by this stateor by any of its departments, agencies or other instrumentalities or by any ofits political subdivisions;
(v) "This act" means W.S. 16-2-101 through 16-2-103.
16-2-102. Facsimile signature; authorized use; legal effect.
(a) After filing with the secretary of state his manualsignature certified by him under oath, any authorized officer may execute orcause to be executed with a facsimile signature in lieu of his manualsignature:
(i) Any public security, provided that at least one (1) signaturerequired or permitted to be placed thereon shall be manually subscribed; and
(ii) Any instrument of payment.
(b) Upon compliance with this act by the authorized officer,his facsimile signature has the same legal effect as his manual signature.
16-2-103. Facsimile seal of state; authorized use; legal effect.
Whenthe seal of this state or any of its departments, agencies, or otherinstrumentalities or of any of its political subdivisions is required in theexecution of a public security or instrument of payment, the authorized officermay cause the seal to be printed, engraved, stamped or otherwise placed infacsimile thereon. The facsimile seal has the same legal effect as theimpression of the seal.
16-2-104. Repealed by Laws 1982, ch. 75, 5.