Chapter 11 - Shooting Ranges
16-11-101. Definitions.
(a) As used in this act:
(i) "Local government" means a county, city or town;
(ii) "Sport shooting range" or "range" meansan area designed and operated for the use of rifles, shotguns, pistols,silhouettes, skeet, trap, black powder or any other similar sport shooting.
16-11-102. Operation of shooting ranges; liability.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any person whooperates or uses a sport shooting range in this state shall not be subject tocivil liability or criminal prosecution in any matter relating to noise ornoise pollution resulting from the operation or use of the range if the rangeis in compliance with any noise control laws or ordinances that applied to therange and its operation at the time construction or operation of the range wasapproved by a local government.
(b) Any person who operates or uses a sport shooting range isnot subject to an action for nuisance, and a court of this state shall notenjoin the use or operation of a range on the basis of noise or noisepollution, if the range is in compliance with any noise control laws orordinances that applied to the range and its operation at the time constructionor operation of the range was approved by a local government.
(c) Rules or regulations adopted by any state department oragency for limiting levels of noise in terms of decibel level which may occurin the outdoor atmosphere shall not apply to a sport shooting range exemptedfrom liability under this act.
16-11-103. Regulation of location and construction.
Thisact does not prohibit a local government from regulating the location andconstruction of a sport shooting range after the effective date of this act.