Chapter 2 - Incorporated Towns
15-2-101. Governing body generally.
Thegoverning body when organized is a body corporate and politic with perpetualsuccession, to be known by the name designated and is capable of suing and beingsued and of pleading and being impleaded in all courts and places.
15-2-102. Officers; election, appointment and removal; conditions forappointive office or position.
(a) The officers of a town are a mayor and four (4) councilmen,all of whom shall be elected. Unless otherwise provided by ordinance, theclerk, treasurer, marshal, attorney, municipal judge and department heads asspecified by ordinance shall be appointed by the mayor with the consent of thegoverning body and may be removed by the mayor for incompetency or neglect ofduty. All other appointments, except the appointment of members of a board orcommission, and removals shall be made by the mayor without consent of thegoverning body, unless consent is required by separate statute. The governingbody shall determine the method of appointing members of a board or commission,unless the method of appointing such members is specified by separate statute.
(b) The governing body, by ordinance or resolution, may specifyconditions for any office or position to which a person is appointed under thissection including:
(i) Level or range of salary;
(ii) A description of the duties and responsibilities of theoffice or position;
(iii) Term of appointment;
(iv) Requirements for:
(A) Promotion;
(B) Suspension; and
(C) Hearing of appeals from decisions of the mayor to remove ordischarge an appointee other than members of a board or commission, after whichthe governing body may affirm, modify or reverse the mayor's decision; and
(v) Other matters which are part of the personnel policies ofthe town.
15-2-103. Officers; salaries.
Thegoverning body shall fix the salaries for the mayor and councilmen in towns notoperating under the commission or city manager form of government. The salariesshall be fixed before their terms begin and shall not change during the termfor which they are elected. The salary for mayor shall be paid in twelve (12)or more installments and may not exceed the maximum of twenty-four thousand dollars($24,000.00) per year. The salary for each councilman shall be not less thanten dollars ($10.00) nor more than one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) foractual attendance at each regular or special meeting. All appointed officersshall receive the salary or compensation as provided by law or ordinance.
15-2-104. Mayoral veto; overriding thereof; failure to act.
Themayor is entitled to sign or veto any ordinance passed by the governing bodyand to sign or veto any order, bylaw, resolution, award or vote to enter intoany contract or the allowance of any claim. A veto may be overridden by a voteof two-thirds (2/3) of the qualified members of the council. If the mayorneglects or refuses to sign any ordinance and fails to return it with hisobjections in writing at the next regular meeting of the governing body, itbecomes law without his signature. The mayor may veto any item of anyappropriation ordinance and approve the remainder thereof. The items vetoed maybe passed over the veto as in other cases. The mayor does not have a vote inany matter involving the override of a veto.
15-2-201. Fiscal year; appropriations; taxes; certification;expenditures; contracts and expenses; exception.
(a) The fiscal year of each town begins July 1 in each year.Except as provided in W.S. 16-4-104(h), the governing body, within the lastquarter of each fiscal year, shall pass an annual appropriation ordinance forthe next fiscal year in which it may appropriate an amount of money necessaryto defray all expenses and liabilities of the town. The ordinance shall specifythe objects and purposes for which the appropriations are made and the amountappropriated for each object or purpose. No further appropriation may be madeat any other time within the fiscal year, except as provided in W.S. 16-4-112through 16-4-114. The total amount appropriated shall not exceed the probableamount of revenue that will be collected during the fiscal year.
(b) The governing body of each incorporated town, prior toadoption of the budget, shall determine the amount of general taxes necessaryto provide for the current expenses of the town and determine the amount of anyspecial tax or assessment levies.
(c) After the governing body has passed an ordinance fixing theamount of taxes necessary as provided by subsection (b) of this section, thetown clerk under the supervision of the mayor shall certify the amount of moneyto be collected to the county clerk.
(d) Repealed by Laws 1985, ch. 152, 4.
(e) No contract or expenditure shall be made by the governingbody or any committee or member thereof, or any of the officers of the town,unless an appropriation therefor has been previously made.
(f) The provisions of this section do not apply to towns duringthe first year of their corporate existence.
15-2-202. Renumbered by Laws 1985, ch. 152, 3.
15-2-203. Treasurer's accounts; contents; report.
Thetreasurer of the town shall keep his accounts so as to show when and from whatsources all monies paid to him have been derived and to whom and when themonies or any part thereof have been paid out. His books, accounts and vouchersare at all times subject to examination by the governing body or any elector ofthe town. It is the duty of the treasurer to provide the governing body with afinancial report at such times, but not less than quarterly, and in a form asthe governing body requires.
15-2-204. Notice of receipts and expenditures; contents.
(a) Immediately after the end of the fiscal year, the governingbody shall publish in a newspaper, if one is published in the town, or if thereis none then by posting in three (3) or more public places, an exhibit of thereceipts and expenditures specifying:
(i) The amount budgeted and actual receipts for all revenuesources;
(ii) The specific amount and purpose of each appropriation; and
(iii) The actual expenditures made against each appropriation.
(iv) Repealed by Laws 1985, ch. 152, 4.