Chapter 8 - Wyoming Children's Trust Fund
14-8-101. Short title.
Thisarticle [chapter] shall be known and may be cited as the "WyomingChildren's Trust Fund Act."
14-8-102. Legislative declaration.
(a) The legislature hereby finds that child abuse and neglectare a threat to the family unit and impose major expenses on society. Thelegislature further finds that there is a need to assist private and publicagencies in identifying and establishing programs for the prevention of childabuse and neglect.
(b) It is the purpose of this article [chapter] to promoteprevention and education programs that are designed to lessen the occurrenceand reoccurrence of child abuse and neglect and to reduce the need for stateintervention in child abuse and neglect prevention and education.
14-8-103. Definitions.
(a) As used in this article:
(i) "Board" means the Wyoming children's trust fundboard created in W.S. 14-8-104;
(ii) "Child abuse" means any act which reasonably maybe construed to fall under the definition of "abuse" or"neglect" under W.S. 14-3-202(a)(ii) or (vii);
(iii) "Prevention program" means a program of directchild abuse prevention services to a child, parent or guardian and includesresearch or education programs related to the prevention of child abuse. Theprevention program may be classified as a primary prevention program when it isavailable to the community on a voluntary basis and as a secondary preventionprogram when it is directed toward groups of individuals who have beenidentified as high risk;
(iv) "Recipient" means and is limited to a nonprofitor public organization which receives a grant from the trust fund created inW.S. 14-8-106;
(v) "Trust fund" means the Wyoming children's trustfund created in W.S. 14-8-106.
14-8-104. Wyoming children's trust fund board; creation; members.
(a) There is created a Wyoming children's trust fund board. Theboard shall consist of seven (7) members, as follows:
(i) The executive director of the department of family servicesor his designee;
(ii) The state superintendent of public instruction; and
(iii) Five (5) persons appointed by the governor and confirmed bythe senate who are knowledgeable in the area of child abuse prevention and arerepresentative of any one (1) or more of the following areas:
(A) Law enforcement;
(B) Medicine;
(C) Law;
(D) Business;
(E) Mental health;
(F) Domestic relations;
(G) Child abuse prevention;
(H) Education;
(J) Social work; and
(K) Parent organizations.
(b) Each appointed member of the board shall serve for a termof three (3) years. A vacancy on the board shall be filled for the balance ofthe unexpired term.
(c) The board shall meet regularly. Members shall serve withoutcompensation but shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performanceof their duties in the manner and amounts provided by law for state employees.
14-8-105. Powers and duties of the board.
(a) The board shall:
(i) Provide for the coordination and exchange of information onthe establishment and maintenance of prevention programs;
(ii) Develop and publicize criteria regarding grants from thetrust fund, including the duration of grants and any requirements for matchingfunds which are received from the trust fund;
(iii) Review and monitor the expenditure of monies by recipients;
(iv) Prepare an annual report to the joint appropriationsinterim committee on the board's activities which include periodic evaluationsof the effectiveness of the prevention programs funded by the trust fund;
(v) Accept grants from the federal government as well assolicit and accept contributions, grants, gifts, bequests and donations fromindividuals, private organizations and foundations;
(vi) Expend monies of the trust fund for the establishment,promotion and maintenance of prevention programs and for operational expensesof the board;
(vii) Exercise any other powers or perform any other duties whichare consistent with the purposes for which the board was created and which arereasonably necessary for the fulfillment of the board's responsibilities;
(viii) Establish a classification system for potential recipientsbased upon need and shall award grants to those classified most needy.
14-8-106. Wyoming children's trust fund; creation; source of funds.
There is created the Wyoming children'strust fund. The fund shall be administered by the board and shall consist ofmonies appropriated or designated to the fund by law and all monies collectedby the board from federal grants and other contributions, grants, gifts,bequests and donations. The monies shall be transmitted to the state treasurerfor credit to the trust fund and shall be invested by the state treasurer asauthorized under W.S. 9-4-715(a), (d) and (e) in a manner to obtain the highestreturn possible consistent with the preservation of the corpus. Any interestearned on the investment or deposit of monies in the fund shall also remain inthe fund and shall not be credited to the general fund.
14-8-107. Disbursement of grants from the trust fund.
(a) Grants may be awarded to provide monies for the start-up,continuance or expansion of prevention programs, to provide educational andpublic informational seminar and to study and evaluate prevention programs.
(b) The board shall have discretion in determining the amountof money to be awarded under each grant, except that:
(i) Until the total amount of assets in the trust fund exceedsfive million dollars ($5,000,000.00), not more than one-half (1/2) of the moneycredited to the trust fund each year plus any interest credited to the trustfund during the previous year shall be available for disbursement orexpenditure by the board;
(ii) Upon certification by the state treasurer that the assetsin the trust fund exceed five million dollars ($5,000,000.00), no furthermonies shall be collected for the trust fund pursuant to W.S. 35-1-428(b). Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to prohibit the continuedcollection of monies for the trust fund pursuant to W.S. 14-8-105(a)(v).
(c) Upon certification by the state treasurer that the assetsin the trust fund exceed five million dollars ($5,000,000.00), only the interestcredited to the trust fund, together with any monies collected for the fundpursuant to W.S. 14-8-105(a)(v), shall be available for disbursement orexpenditure by the board.
14-8-108. Biennial audit.
Thedirector of the department of audit or his designee shall audit the trust fundbiennially. Copies of the audit shall be provided to the legislature.