Chapter 23 - Hides And Carcasses
11-23-101. Sale of carcass without inspection prohibited; inspectionfees; disposition thereof.
Itis unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale or possess for the purposeof sale or disposal the carcass or any part thereof of cattle without havingthe unmutilated hide inspected by an inspector. The person presenting the hideand carcass or any part thereof shall pay the inspection fee prescribed by lawfor each hide inspected, the fee shall be remitted to the board.
11-23-102. Only inspected livestock to be slaughtered; record of cattleslaughtered.
(a) It is unlawful for any person operating any slaughterhouse,packing plant or rendering plant in Wyoming to slaughter or cause to beslaughtered any horses, mules or cattle before each animal has been inspectedfor brands and ownership by an authorized Wyoming brand inspector not more thanseven (7) days before slaughter.
(b) Every person engaged in slaughtering cattle shall keep arecord of all cattle slaughtered, naming the person from whom the cattle werepurchased, his place of residence and the age, sex and brands of the cattleslaughtered. The record shall at all times be open for inspection by anyperson.
11-23-103. Purchase of unstamped carcass prohibited.
It is unlawful for any person to purchasefrom any other person the carcass or any part thereof of any cattle unless thecarcass or part purchased is stamped as provided by law. The district court ofthe county wherein the sale or purchase takes place has jurisdiction of theoffense.
11-23-104. Exhibition, upon demand, of hides or certificate ofinspection thereof of cattle killed for beef.
Any person who kills cattle for beef or hasin his possession the carcass or any part of such cattle, must on demand of aninspector, sheriff or deputy sheriff show either the hide of the animal killedor the certificate of inspection of the hide. Any person failing to secure acertificate of inspection shall retain the hide, without mutilation of thebrand, until the beef is consumed.
11-23-105. Penalties.
Any person violating any provision of W.S.11-23-101 through 11-23-104 shall be fined not less than seven hundred seventy-fivedollars ($775.00) or more than one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00),or imprisoned for not more than one (1) year, or both.
11-23-106. "Cold storage locker plant" defined; stamp on tag;certificate in lieu of stamp; filing and inspection of certificate; penalties.
(a) "Cold storage locker plant" means any place,premises or establishment where facilities for the cold storage andpreservation of human food in separate and individual compartments are offeredto the public upon a rental or other basis for private profit.
(b) No operator or employee of any cold storage locker plant inWyoming shall accept from any person for processing, quick freeze or coldstorage any beef, mutton, lamb or pork unless it is properly stamped or taggedshowing it to have been lawfully slaughtered, or in the absence of a properstamp or tag the person offering the meat may deposit at the time with theoperator or his employee a signed certificate stating:
(i) The owner of the meat;
(ii) The kind of meat;
(iii) The weight of the meat; and
(iv) The name and address of the person from whom acquired or ifslaughtered by the person offering same, the date and place of slaughter.
(c) The certificate shall be kept on file by the operator forone (1) year from its date and be made available for inspection upon request ofany law enforcement officer or authorized representative of the board.
(d) Any person violating this section or making any falsestatement in the certificate shall be punished as provided in W.S. 11-1-103.
11-23-107. Killing of horses for meat; unmutilated hide or certificateof inspection to be produced; penalties.
(a) Any person who kills any horse for the purpose of using,selling or offering for sale the meat or carcass for tankage, or for thepurpose of feeding the same to domestic stock or to fur bearing animals, mustproduce on demand of any inspector or peace officer either the unmutilated hideof the animal killed or a certificate of inspection of the hide, issued by alivestock inspector.
(b) Any person violating this section shall be fined not lessthan seven hundred seventy-five dollars ($775.00) or more than one thousandfive hundred dollars ($1,500.00), or imprisoned for not more than one (1) year,or both.
11-23-108. Mutilation of hide from horse; penalties; allegations inprosecutions.
(a) Any person who willfully or maliciously mutilates, destroysor conceals any hide from any horse, mule, jack, jennet, bovine animal, goat,hog or sheep with the intent to remove evidence of ownership of the hide or theanimal from which the hide was removed, shall be fined not less than sevenhundred seventy-five dollars ($775.00) nor more than one thousand five hundreddollars ($1,500.00), or imprisoned not more than one (1) year, or both.
(b) In any prosecution for the violation of this section it isnot necessary for the state to allege in the complaint or information theownership of the hide or the animal from which the hide was removed, but it issufficient to allege that the owner of the hide or the animal from which thehide was removed is unknown and that the hide or animal is not the property ofthe defendant.
11-23-201. Hide buyer; designation.
Any person engaged in the purchase and saleof hides within this state shall be known and designated as a hide buyer.
11-23-202. Hide buyer; bill of sale required; contents; copy to seller.
A hide buyer shall require every personfrom whom he purchases hides or pelts to deliver to him a bill of sale for thehides and pelts, executed in duplicate. One (1) copy shall be retained by theseller and the other copy shall be kept by the hide buyer and exhibited upondemand of any inspector, sheriff or deputy sheriff. The bill of sale shalldescribe by brand or mark the hides and pelts sold and the date of sale.
11-23-203. Hide buyer; record of purchases to be kept; contents;inspection by sheriff.
Every hide buyer in this state shall keep atrue record of all hides and pelts purchased by him, showing the name of theseller of the hides or pelts, the date of purchase and all brands and otheridentification marks on the hides and pelts. The record shall be open forinspection by the sheriff or his deputy in his county and any livestockinspector.
11-23-204. Hide buyer; inspection for interstate commerce; certificate;fee.
It is unlawful for any hide buyer withinthis state to ship or haul any hides or pelts out of Wyoming unless the hidesor pelts have been inspected by a livestock inspector and a certificate ofinspection given therefor. The certificate shall state the date of inspection,the number of hides and pelts and the brands and other identification marksthereon. The hide buyer shall pay to the inspector the fee prescribed by lawfor each certificate of inspection issued to him.
11-23-205. Repealed By Laws 2007, Ch. 105, 2.
11-23-206. Stock killed by transportation company.
When any livestock is killed by atransportation company within this state, the company shall cause the hidesfrom all animals killed to be inspected by an inspector, except where the owneror his agent or employee has seen and identified the animals.
11-23-207. Penalties.
Any person violating any provision of W.S.11-23-202 through 11-23-206 shall be punished as provided in W.S. 11-1-103.
11-23-301. Generally; exceptions.
With the consent of the owner, unlessremoval is contrary to state, county or local sanitary regulations or in theopinion of the state veterinarian might result in spreading contagious orinfectious disease or threaten the health of human beings, animals or poultry,carcasses of animals may be transported to any rendering plant legallyoperating without prior inspection for brands and ownership. The operator of arendering plant within this state receiving the carcasses is a hide buyer andshall comply with W.S. 11-23-201 through 11-23-207.
11-23-302. Transportation to another state prohibited withoutinspection; proof of ownership required.
Without the consent of the owner, or agent,it is unlawful to transport or cause to be transported carcasses of horses,mules, cattle or sheep from Wyoming to any other state without prior inspectionfor brands and marks and the issuance of a certificate attesting the inspectionby an inspector, who shall require proof of ownership by brand record, bill ofsale, or both.
11-23-303. Hide inspection certificate.
After receiving satisfactory proof ofownership of carcasses of animals to be transported from the state, theinspector shall sign and issue a hide inspection certificate on a form approvedby the board, listing the class and number of carcasses inspected, the brandsor marks on each, the name of the shipper, name and address of the consignee,place and date of inspection, and make and license number of the truck. Iftransportation is by other means than truck, that shall be shown. Across theface of the certificate he shall write the words "Dead Animals". Thehide inspection certificate shall be filled out in triplicate, the originaldelivered to the shipper or his agent and shall clear the carcasses fortransportation to the destination shown. One (1) copy shall be mailed by theinspector to the board, and one (1) copy filed in the office of the brandinspection agency.
11-23-304. Inspection fee; disposition thereof.
For making an inspection of carcasses theinspector shall collect the inspection fee prescribed by law for each horse,mule, cattle or sheep carcass. All fees collected shall be transmitted to theboard.
11-23-305. Penalty.
Violation of any provision of W.S.11-23-301 through 11-23-304 is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not lessthan twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00).