Chapter 4 - Uniform State Law For Aeronautics
10-4-101. Short title.
W.S.10-4-101 through 10-4-304 shall be cited as the "Uniform State Law forAeronautics."
10-4-201. Federal license and registration of aircraft required.
Publicsafety and aeronautical progress require uniformity of regulation. Aircraftoperating within this state should conform with respect to design, constructionand airworthiness to the standards prescribed by the United States governmentwith respect to navigation of aircraft subject to its jurisdiction. It isunlawful to navigate an aircraft within the state unless it is licensed andregistered by the department of transportation of the United States in theprescribed manner.
10-4-202. Federal pilot's license required.
Publicsafety and the advantages of uniform regulations require that a personnavigating the aircraft described in W.S. 10-4-201 in any form of navigationfor which license to operate the aircraft would be required by the UnitedStates government shall have the qualifications necessary for obtaining andholding the class of license required by the United States government. It isunlawful for any person to engage in operating an aircraft within this state inany form of navigation unless he has the appropriate pilot's license issued bythe federal government.
10-4-203. Display of pilot's license.
Thecertificate of the license required shall be kept in the personal possession ofthe licensee when he is operating aircraft within this state. The license mustbe presented for inspection upon the demand of any passenger, any official ofthe United States department of transportation, any peace officer of thisstate, or any person in charge of any airport or landing field in this stateupon which he shall land.
10-4-301. Sovereignty in space above state.
Sovereigntyin the space above the lands and waters of this state is declared to rest inthe state except where assumed by the United States law.
10-4-302. Ownership of space.
Theownership of the space above the lands and waters of this state is declared tobe vested in the several owners of the surface beneath subject to the right offlight described in W.S. 10-4-303.
10-4-303. Low or dangerous flight; landing on land or water ofanother.
(a) Flight in aircraft over the lands and waters of this stateis lawful unless it is:
(i) At such a low altitude as to interfere with the existinguse to which the land or water, or the space over the land or water, is put bythe owner;
(ii) Conducted as to be imminently dangerous to persons orproperty lawfully on the land or water; or
(iii) In violation of the air commerce regulations promulgated bythe department of transportation of the United States.
(b) The landing of an aircraft on the lands or waters ofanother, without his consent, is unlawful, except in the case of a forcedlanding. For damages caused by a forced landing, however, the owner or lesseeof the aircraft or the airman shall be liable for actual damage caused by theforced landing.
10-4-304. Interpretation of chapter.
W.S.10-4-101 through 10-4-304 shall be construed as to effectuate its generalpurpose to make uniform the law of those states which enact it and toharmonize, as far as possible, with federal laws and regulations on the subjectof aeronautics.
10-4-305. Marking obstructions.
(a) All structures located outside the exterior boundaries ofany incorporated city, town or recorded subdivision, whose appearance is nototherwise mandated by state or federal law, rule or regulation, shall belighted, marked, painted, flagged or otherwise constructed to be recognizablein clear air during daylight hours from a distance of not less than twothousand (2,000) feet if the structure meets all of the following criteria:
(i) Is fifty (50) feet in height above the ground or higher;
(ii) Is a structure associated with the development or study ofwind powered electric generation, commonly known as a meteorological tower or"met tower";
(iii) Was erected, raised after being lowered, purchased orleased on or after the effective date of this act.
(b) Every person owning or leasing a structure which meets therequirements of paragraphs (a)(i) and (ii) of this section shall report to theWyoming department of transportation the structure's exact location, heightabove the ground, owner, the method used to make the structure visible andother information the department may deem necessary for the safety of flight.Reports shall be filed on or before April 30, 2009 for every structure erectedprior to April 30, 2009, to which this subsection applies. After April 30,2009, a report shall be filed not less than ten (10) days prior to raising orerecting any structure subject to this subsection.
(c) Any person removing a structure subject to the reportingrequirements of this section shall report such removal within ten (10) days tothe Wyoming department of transportation.
(d) Within five (5) days of receiving data reported undersubsection (b) or (c) of this section, the department of transportation shallmake the data, other than the ownership of a structure, available to thepublic. Data concerning the ownership of a structure shall not be a publicrecord under the Wyoming Public Records Act, W.S. 16-4-201 through 16-4-205.
(e) The Wyoming department of transportation shall promulgaterules and regulations necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.