Chapter 812. Garnishment.
- 812.01 Commencement of garnishment.
- 812.02 Garnishment before and after judgment.
- 812.04 Garnishment actions; how commenced; summons.
- 812.05 Garnishee complaint before and after judgment; several garnishees.
- 812.06 Garnishee fees, costs.
- 812.07 Service on garnishee and defendant.
- 812.08 Judgment; bond.
- 812.11 Garnishee answer.
- 812.13 Payments by garnishee; releases.
- 812.14 Answer conclusive if no reply by plaintiff; procedure following reply.
- 812.15 Defendant or garnishee may defend both actions.
- 812.16 Principal action tried first; judgment.
- 812.17 Impleader.
- 812.18 Liability of garnishee.
- 812.19 Nonliability as garnishee; judgment when rendered.
- 812.20 Action by defendant against garnishee stayed.
- 812.21 Release of garnishment; bond.
- 812.22 Costs.
- 812.24 Penalties.
- 812.30 Definitions.
- 812.31 Procedure.
- 812.32 Earnings garnishment generally.
- 812.33 Garnishee fee.
- 812.34 Exemption.
- 812.35 Commencement of action.
- 812.37 Debtor's answer.
- 812.38 Judicial hearing.
- 812.39 Payment to creditor.
- 812.40 Stipulated extension.
- 812.41 Garnishee liability.
- 812.42 Garnishment of earnings of public officers and employees.
- 812.43 Retaliation by garnishee for earnings garnishment forbidden.
- 812.44 Forms.