§64-9-5 Governor's Committee on Crime, Delinquency and Correction.
§64-9-5. Governor's Committee on Crime, Delinquency and Correction.
The legislative rule filed in the state register on the first day of August, two thousand eight, authorized under the authority of section three, article twenty-nine, chapter thirty, of this code, modified by the Governor's Committee on Crime, Delinquency and Correction to meet the objections of the legislative rule-making review committee and refiled in the state register on the seventeenth day of February, two thousand nine, relating to the Governor's Committee on Crime, Delinquency and Correction (law enforcement training standards, 149 CSR 2), is authorized, with the following amendments:
On page 3, subsection 3.7, after the words "and defensive tactics" by inserting the word "training.";
On page 5, subdivision 5.1.a., after the words "law enforcement" by striking out the words "instructor's certification" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "instructors' certifications";
On page 6, subdivision 5.1.b., after the words "keep their" by striking out the word "certification" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "certifications";
On page 6, paragraph 5.1.b.1., after the word "original" by striking out the word "certification" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "certifications";
On page 6, subdivision 5.2.a., after the word "shall" by striking out the words "have the following";
On page 6, paragraph 5.2.a.1., at the beginning of the sentence before the word "Experience" by inserting the word "Have";
On page 6, paragraph 5.2.a.2., at the beginning of the sentence before the words "a handgun" by striking out the word "Completed" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "Complete";
On page 6, subdivision 5.2.b., after the words "keep their" by striking out the word "certification" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "certifications";
On page 7, paragraph 5.2.b.1., after the words "original instructor" by striking out the word "certification" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "certifications";
On page 7, subdivision 5.2.c., after the words "original instructor" by striking out the word "certification" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "certifications";
On page 7, subdivision 5.5.d., after the words "omitted information" by striking out the word "required";
On page 8, subsection 6.3., after the words "to obtain 75% on" by striking out the word "a" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "an";
On page 9, subsection 8.1., inserting a comma after the words "but are not limited to";
On page 9, subsection 8.1., after the words "job description and" by striking the words "they must" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "the ability to";
On page 9, subdivision 8.1.a., after the words "training requirements for" by striking out the word "such" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "the";
On page 9, subdivision 8.1.a., after the words "position, and" by inserting the word "to";
On page 10, paragraph 8.3.a.11., after the words "Check for" by striking out the words "wants or" and after the words "persons through" by striking out the word "DMV/NCIC" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "NCIC";
On page 18, subparagraph 8.5.d.1.B., after the word "eyeglasses" by striking out the words "is commonly accepted";
On page 18, subparagraph 8.5.d.1.F., after the words "perform the essential" by striking out the word "task" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "tasks";
On page 18, subparagraph 8.5.d.2.A., after the words "the applicant" by striking out the words "should not have or";
On page 18, subparagraph 8.5.d.3.C., after the words "or mouth" by inserting a comma and the following words "except as described in subparagraphs 8.5.d.3.A. and 8.5.d.3.B.";
On page 21, subparagraph 8.5.d.7.L., after the words "e.g.," by striking out the word "Scleroderm" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "Scleroderma";
On page 21, subparagraph 8.5.d.8.K., after the words "Tract Infection" by striking out the words "(now disqualifying)";
On page 23, paragraph 8.5.d.13., after the words "listed in this" by striking the word "section" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "subsection";
On page 27, subsection 13.4., after the words "and the head of" by striking the word "each" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "the applicant's employing";
On page 31, subdivision 16.1.h., at the beginning of the sentence by striking out the word "Whose" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "Having his or her";
On page 31, subsection 16.4., after the words "outlined in this" by striking through the word "rule" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "section".