§30-4A-7 Authority of the West Virginia Board of Dental Examiners to review, inspect and reinspect dentists for issuance of permits. On-site inspection by West Virginia Board of Dental Examiners.
§30-4A-7. Authority of the West Virginia Board of Dental Examiners to review, inspect and reinspect dentists for issuance of permits. On-site inspection by West Virginia Board of Dental Examiners.
By making application to the Board for an anesthesia permit, said dentist consents and authorizes the Board to review his or her credentials, inspect or reinspect his or her facilities, and investigate any alleged anesthesia mortalities, misadventure, or other adverse occurrences which the Board feels is justified in the best interest of the public and the Board. The Board shall have the authority and right to conduct an in-office review or on-site inspection of any dentist applying for or holding a permit to administer anesthesia at any time the Board deems necessary.
Prior to issuing a permit, the Board has the right to conduct an on-site inspection of facility, equipment, and auxiliary personnel of the applicant to determine if, in fact, all the requirements for such permit have been met. This inspection or evaluation, if required, shall be carried out by at least two members of the subcommittee directly appointed by the Board as prescribed in section eight of this article. This evaluation is to be carried out in a manner following the principles, but not necessarily the procedures, set forth by the current edition of the Office Anesthesia Evaluation Manual of the West Virginia Board of Dental Examiners. On-site inspections are required and shall be performed for all Class III(a), III(b) and IV permit holders. Thereafter, the Board may reinspect annually, at its discretion, but must perform an on-site inspection for all permit holders at least once every five years excepting Class II certificate holders. The Board reserves the right to conduct an on-site inspection whenever it deems necessary for all permit or certificate holders. However, all on-site inspections shall be held during regular business hours.