§30-36-4 Board membership.
§30-36-4. Board membership.
(a) The board shall consist of five members appointed by the governor with the advise and consent of the Senate.
(1) Three shall be licensed acupuncturists appointed from a list submitted as provided in subsection (c) of this section;
(2) One shall be a member of the general public; and
(3) One shall be a physician licensed to practice medicine in the state of West Virginia.
(b) Each licensed acupuncturist shall:
(1) Be a resident of the state; and
(2) For at least three years immediately prior to appointment have been engaged in the practice of acupuncture in the state.
(c) For each vacancy of an acupuncture member, the board shall compile a list of names to be submitted to the governor in the following manner:
(1) The board shall notify all licensed acupuncturists in the state of the vacancy to solicit nominations to fill the vacancy;
(2) Each professional association of acupuncturists in the state shall nominate at least two persons for every vacancy; and
(3) Each educational institution that provides acupuncture training in the state shall nominate at least two persons for every vacancy.
(d) The member from the general public:
(1) May not be or ever have been an acupuncturist or in training to become an acupuncturist;
(2) May not have a household member who is an acupuncturist or in training to become an acupuncturist;
(3) May not participate or ever have participated in a commercial or professional field related to acupuncture;
(4) May not have a household member who participates in a commercial or professional field related to acupuncture; and
(5) May not have had within two years prior to appointment a substantial financial interest in a person regulated by the board.
(e) While a member of the board, the member from the general public may not have a substantial financial interest in a person regulated by the board.
(f) Before taking office, each appointee to the board shall take and subscribe to the oath prescribed by section 5, article IV of the constitution of this state.
(g) Tenure; vacancies.
(1) The term of a member is three years.
(2) The terms of members are staggered from the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred ninety-six. The terms of the members first appointed shall expire as designated by the governor at the time of the nomination, one at the end of the first year, two at the end of the second year, and two at the end of the thirdyear. As these original appointments expire, each subsequent appointment shall be for a full three-year term.
(3) At the end of a term, a member continues to serve until a successor is appointed and qualifies.
(4) A member may not serve more than two consecutive full terms.
(5) A member who is appointed after a term has begun serves only for the rest of the term and until a successor is appointed and qualifies.
(h) The governor may remove any member from the board for neglect of any duty required by law or for incompetence or unethical or dishonorable conduct.