§30-29-8 Compensation for employees attending law-enforcement training academy; limitations; agreements to reimburse employers for wages and expenses of employees trained but not continuing employme
§30-29-8. Compensation for employees attending law-enforcement training academy; limitations; agreements to reimburse employers for wages and expenses of employees trained but not continuing employment.
A West Virginia law-enforcement agency shall pay compensation to employees, including wages, salaries, benefits, tuition and expenses for the employees' attendance at a law-enforcement training academy. The compensation paid to the employees of a law-enforcement agency for attendance at a law-enforcement training academy as provided in this section shall not include overtime compensation under the provisions of section three, article five-c, chapter twenty-one of this code and shall be at the regular rate to which the employee would be entitled for a workweek of forty hours in regular employment with the agency. In consideration for such compensation, the county commission or municipal government may require of its employees by written agreement entered into with each of them in advance of such attendance at a training academy that, if an employee should voluntarily discontinue employment any time within one year immediately following completion of the training curriculum, he or she shall be obligated to pay to such county commission or municipal government a pro rata portion of the sum of such compensation equal to that part of such year which the employee has chosen not to remain in the employ of the county commission or municipal government.