§24C-1-4 Qualifications for certification and responsibilities of a one-call system.
§24C-1-4. Qualifications for certification and responsibilities of a one-call system.
(a) In order to qualify for certification as a one-call system under the provisions of this article, a one-call system shall be operated on a not-for-profit basis but may be operated by any one or more of the following:
(1) A person who operates underground facilities;
(2) A private contractor;
(3) A state or local government agency; or
(4) A person who is otherwise eligible under state or federal law to operate a one-call system.
(b) A one-call system which complies with the requirements set forth in subsection (a) of this section shall be certified by the public service commission for the area in which it will conduct operations prior to commencing such operations: Provided, That any one-call system in operation prior to the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred ninety-six, may not be required to be so certified. The public service commission shall certify a one-call system where the public interest so requires and when such system complies with the provisions of this article.
(c) A one-call system operating under the provisions of this article shall:
(1) Receive and record information from excavators aboutintended excavation or demolition activities;
(2) Promptly transmit to its affected members the information received from excavators about intended excavation or demolition;
(3) Maintain a record of each notice of intent to engage in excavation or demolition, provided pursuant to the requirements of section five of this article;
(4) Upon receipt of notification of intended excavation or demolition from an excavator, inform the person making such notification of the names of all members having underground facilities in the vicinity of the intended work site; and
(5) Assign a serial number for each notification received from an excavator and provide that serial number to both the excavator and affected members.