§22A-2-76 Reopening old or abandoned mines.
§22A-2-76. Reopening old or abandoned mines.
No person, without first giving to the director ten days' written notice thereof, shall reopen for any purposes any old or abandoned mine wherein water or mine seepage has collected or become impounded or exists in such manner or quantity that upon the opening of such mine, such water or seepage may drain into any stream or watercourse.
Such notice shall state clearly the name or names of the owner or owners of the mine proposed to be opened, its exact location, and the time of the proposed opening thereof.
Upon receipt of such notice, the director shall have his or her representative present at the mine at the time designated in the notice for such opening, who has full supervision of the work of opening such mine with full authority to direct the work in such manner as to him or her seems proper and necessary to prevent the flow of mine water or seepage from such mine in such manner or quantity as will kill or be harmful to the fish in any stream or watercourse into which such mine water seepage may flow directly or indirectly.