§21-13-3 Convenience food store regulations.
§21-13-3. Convenience food store regulations.
All convenience food stores shall comply with the following provisions:
(1) If open for business after twelve o'clock a.m., the convenience food store must employ two persons who are continuously on duty on the premises from twelve o'clock a.m. until closing or five o'clock a.m., whichever occurs first, or employ one person during these hours and install the security camera system provided for in subdivision (3) of this section, or install a security booth for one person to occupy during these hours or lock their doors and allow customers to be served through a pass-through device.
(2) The entire area of the parking area used by customers of convenience food stores must be lighted during all hours of darkness when employees or customers, or both employees and customers are on the premises. Minimum average maintained illuminance must be two footcandles or greater with a uniformity ratio (average to minimum) of no more than five to one unless such lighting violates applicable municipal lighting code requirements or creates a public or private nuisance.
(3) If only one person is employed on duty on the premises from twelve o'clock a.m. until closing or five o'clock a.m., the store shall install, by the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine, a security camera capable of producing a retrievable image on film or tape that can be enlarged through projection or other means. The cameras shall be maintained in proper working order at all times.
(4) Any owner or employee who works between the hours of twelve o'clock a.m. and five o'clock a.m. at a convenience food store shall be trained in robbery prevention by the owner. Owners shall develop a written robbery prevention program which shall be available for inspection during regular business hours at each convenience food store, and shall base the training on the program.
(5) Provide height markers at the door or doors exiting the premise which display measurements from the floor: Provided, That any owner who is in compliance with this section and certifies such compliance to the superintendent of state police or the superintendents designee, or the county sheriff's department or the municipal police department, on or before the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine, shall be exempt from the provisions of section four of this article.