§18B-5-7 Disposition of obsolete and unusable equipment, surplus supplies and other unneeded materials.
§18B-5-7. Disposition of obsolete and unusable equipment, surplus supplies and other unneeded materials.
(a) The Commission, the Council and the governing boards shall dispose of obsolete and unusable equipment, surplus supplies and other unneeded materials, either by transfer to other governmental agencies or institutions, by exchange or trade, or by sale as junk or otherwise. The Commission, the Council and each governing board shall adopt rules governing and controlling the disposition of all such equipment, supplies and materials.
(1) At least ten days prior to the disposition, the Commission, the Council or the governing boards, as applicable, shall advertise, by newspaper publication as a Class II legal advertisement in compliance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code, in the county in which the equipment, supplies and materials are located, the availability or sales of such disposable equipment, supplies and materials.
(2) The Commission, the Council or governing boards, as applicable, may sell the disposable equipment, supplies and materials, in whole or in part, at public auction or by sealed bid, or may transfer, exchange or trade the same to other governmental agencies or institutions (if by transfer, exchange or trade, then without advertising), in whole or in part, as sound business practices may warrant under existing circumstances and conditions.
(3) The requirements set forth in subsection (a) of this section apply to Marshall University and West Virginia University relating only to those items of obsolete and unusable equipment, surplus supplies and other unneeded materials that exceed five thousand dollars in recorded net book value. Marshall University and West Virginia University may dispose of obsolete and unusable computers and computer-related equipment pursuant to the provisions of section two, article three of this chapter.
(b) The Commission, Council or governing board, as appropriate, except for Marshall University and West Virginia University, shall report annually to the Legislative Auditor, all sales of commodities made during the preceding six months.
(1) The report shall include a description of the commodities sold, the name of the buyer to whom each commodity was sold, and the price paid by the buyer.
(2) Marshall University and West Virginia University shall report biennially to the Legislative Auditor the total sales of commodities made during the preceding biennium along with the total recorded net book value of such commodities.
(c) The proceeds of sales or transfers shall be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit on a pro rata basis of the fund or funds from which the purchase of the particular commodities or expendable commodities was made. The Commission, Council or governing board, as appropriate, may charge and assess fees reasonably related to the costs of care and handling with respect to the transfer, warehousing, sale and distribution of state property that is disposed of or sold pursuant to the provisions of this section.