§18B-10-7a Tuition and fee waivers or adjustments for residents at least sixty-five years old.
§18B-10-7a. Tuition and fee waivers or adjustments for residents at least sixty-five years old.
(a) Each governing board shall promulgate a rule establishing a reduced tuition and fee program for senior citizens. The rule shall include at least the following:
(1) One option for individuals who attend undergraduate and graduate courses without receiving credit and one option for those who attend undergraduate and graduate courses for credit;
(2) A requirement that the following conditions be met under either option of the program:
(A) The participant is a resident of West Virginia;
(B) The participant is sixty-five years of age or older; and
(C) Classroom space is available;
(3) A method of establishing priority for allowing a participant to attend a class or course;
(4) A determination of whether to require participants to pay special fees, including laboratory fees, if the fees are required of all other students;
(5) A determination of whether to require participants to pay for parking;
(6) Requirements for participants in the program under the no credit option:
(A) A grade or credit may not be given; and
(B) The total tuition and fees charged for each course or class, excluding laboratory and parking fees, may not exceed fifty dollars. After the first day of July, two thousand four, the governing boards may change the maximum fee; and
(7) A requirement for participants in the program under the for credit option that tuition and fee rates may not exceed fifty percent of the normal rates charged to state residents by the institution.
(b) The provisions of this section apply to both classroom-based courses, electronic and internet-based courses, and all other distance education delivery.