§17C-15-32 Brakes on motorcycles, motor-driven cycles and mopeds.

§17C-15-32. Brakes on motorcycles, motor-driven cycles and mopeds.
(a) The commissioner is authorized to require an inspection of the brake on any motorcycle, motor-driven cycle or moped and to disapprove any such brake which he finds will not comply with the performance ability standard set forth in section thirty-one of this article, or which in his opinion is not so designed or constructed as to insure reasonable and reliable performance in actual use.

(b) The commissioner may refuse to register or may suspend or revoke the registration of any vehicle referred to in this section when he determines that the brake thereon does not comply with the provisions of this section.

(c) No person shall operate on any highway any vehicle referred to in this section in the event the commissioner has disapproved the brake equipment upon such vehicle or type of vehicle.