§16-3C-6 Prohibiting certain acts; HIV tests results.
§16-3C-6. Prohibiting certain acts; HIV tests results.
(a) A positive HIV test report, or the diagnosis of AIDS related complex (ARC), or the diagnosis of the AIDS syndrome or disease, may not constitute a basis upon which to deny the individual so diagnosed, access to quality health care: Provided, That this subsection does not apply to insurance.
(b) No student of any school or institution of higher learning, public or private, may be excluded from attending the school or institution of higher learning, or from participating in school sponsored activities, on the basis of a positive HIV test, or a diagnosis of ARC, or AIDS syndrome or disease. Exclusion from attendance or participation, as described above, shall be determined on a case by case basis, in consultation with the individual's parents, medical care provider, health authorities, school or institution administrators or medical advisors, in accordance with policies and guidelines which may have been established by the entities. Exclusion may only be based on the student representing an unacceptable risk as agreed to by the department for the transmission of the HIV to others because of the stage or nature of the illness.