§16-19-12 Search and notification.
§16-19-12. Search and notification.
(a) A law-enforcement officer, firefighter, paramedic or other emergency rescuer finding an individual he or she reasonably believes is dead or near death shall as soon as practical make a reasonable search of the individual for a document of gift or other information identifying the individual as a donor or as having made a refusal. If a document of gift or a refusal is located by the search and the individual is taken to a hospital, the person who conducted the search shall send the document of gift or refusal to the hospital.
(b) If no other source of the information is immediately available, hospital staff shall search an individual reasonably believed to be dead or near death as soon as practical after the arrival at the hospital for a document of gift or other information identifying the individual as a donor or as having made a refusal.
(c) A medical examiner shall conduct a reasonable search of an individual whose body is placed in his or her custody for a document of gift or other information identifying the individual as a donor or as having made a refusal.
(d) A person is not subject to criminal or civil liability for failing to discharge the duties imposed by this section but may be subject to administrative sanctions.