§11A-3-13 Publication by sheriff of sales list.

§11A-3-13. Publication by sheriff of sales list.
Within one month after completion of the sale, the sheriff shall prepare and publish a list of all the sales and certifications made by him or her, in form or effect as follows, which list shall be published as a Class II-0 legal advertisement in compliance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code, and the publication area for such publication shall be the county.

List of tax liens on real estate sold in the county of ____________________________________________, in the month (or months) of _____________________________, 20____ , for nonpayment of taxes thereon for the year (or years) 20____, and purchased by individuals or certified to the Auditor of the State of West Virginia:

Name of person charged with taxesLocal descrip- tion of landsQuantity of land chargedQuantity of land for which tax lien is soldName of purchaserWhole amount paid by purchaser
The owner of any real estate listed above, or any other person entitled to pay the taxes thereon, may, however, redeem such real estate as provided by law.

Given under my hand this _____________ day of ________________, 20____.



To cover the costs of preparing and publishing such list, a charge of fifteen shall be added to the taxes, interest and charges already due on each item listed.