§10-1-17 Regional libraries and library areas -- Referral of plan to county courts; action on; alteration of plan.
§10-1-17. Regional libraries and library areas -- Referral of plan to county courts; action on; alteration of plan.
On completion of the survey of any proposed region, the executive secretary of the commission shall refer the proposal to the county courts of all the counties included in such proposed region. The county courts shall act upon such proposal by resolution, and the votes of a majority of each of the county courts of the counties included in the proposed region shall be necessary for the adoption of such proposal. In case of the rejection of such proposal by the county courts of any of the counties included in such proposed region, the library commission is hereby authorized to alter its plan in accordance with such action in order to provide for a region in such section of the state. The vote of a majority of each county court in the counties in such altered region shall be necessary for the adoption of such proposal.