§5-29-2 Regulatory agencies to study expedited permits, licenses and certificates; reports to the Legislature.
§5-29-2. Regulatory agencies to study expedited permits, licenses and certificates; reports to the Legislature.
(a) The following regulatory agencies shall study, review and develop a plan for expediting the issuance and renewal of permits, licenses and certificates for business entities in good standing:
(1) Division of labor;
(2) The office of miners' health, safety and training;
(3) The division of forestry;
(4) The office of health facilities licensure and certification within the department of health and human resources; and
(5) The department of environmental protection excepting the oil and gas inspectors' examining board.
(b) On or before the first day of December, two thousand four, each agency to which this article applies shall file a report with the joint standing committee on government organization, setting forth the findings of its study, its plan to expedite the issuance and renewal of permits, licenses and certificates to business entities in good standing, and its recommendations for any legislation required to meet the purposes of this article.