§5-10-15a Retirement credited service through member's use, as option, of accrued annual or sick leave days.
§5-10-15a. Retirement credited service through member's use, as option, of accrued annual or sick leave days.
Any member accruing annual leave or sick leave days may, after the effective date of this section, elect to use such days at the time of retirement to acquire additional credited service in this retirement system. Such days shall be applied on the basis of two workdays credit granted for each one day of such accrued annual or sick leave days, with each month of retirement service credit to equal twenty workdays and with any remainder of ten workdays or more to constitute a full month of additional credit and any remainder of less than ten workdays to be dropped and not used, notwithstanding any provisions of the code to the contrary, including section twelve, article sixteen of this chapter. Such credited service shall be allowed and not deemed to controvert the requirement of no more than twelve months credited service in any year's period.