Actionable nuisances defined -- Closing of channel stream: RCW 7.48.010.
Annexation of water, sewer, and fire districts (to city or town): RCW 35.02.200, chapter 35.13A RCW.
Aquatic lands: Chapters 79.105 through 79.140 RCW.
Aquifer protection areas: Chapter 36.36 RCW.
Authority to construct viaducts, bridges, drawbridges (first-class cities): Chapter 35.85 RCW.
Board of natural resources -- Powers and duties (commission on harbor lines): RCW 43.30.215.
Bridges across and obstructions in navigable waters: Chapter 88.28 RCW.
Canal commission: Chapter 47.72 RCW.
Cities and towns auxiliary water systems for protection from fire: RCW 35.21.030. dikes, levees, embankments, authority to construct: RCW 35.21.090. first-class cities specific powers enumerated: RCW 35.22.280. utilities, collective bargaining with employees (waterworks system): RCW 35.22.350. wharves, city may let wharves or privileges thereon: RCW 35.22.410. jurisdiction over adjacent waters: RCW 35.21.160. sewerage, drainage and water supply: RCW 35.21.210. streets and alleys over first-class tidelands, control of: RCW 35.21.250. streets over tidelands, control of: RCW 35.21.240. swimming pools, power to acquire: RCW 35.21.020. utility services, lien for (water works): RCW 35.21.290 through 35.21.300.
City in adjoining state may condemn watershed property: RCW 8.28.050.
Dams, height on tributaries of Columbia River: Chapter 77.55 RCW.
Department of natural resources, to locate line between tide and shore land in tidal rivers: RCW 79.125.010.
Deschutes Basin, project embraces: RCW 79.24.160.
Diking, drainage and sewerage improvement districts: Chapters 85.08 through 85.16 RCW.
Diking and drainage districts: Chapters 85.05 through 85.24 RCW.
Director of fish and wildlife, may modify inadequate fishways and fish guards: RCW 77.57.040, 77.57.060.
Easements over public lands, waterway rights: Chapter 79.36 RCW.
Ferries county-owned -- Ferry districts: Chapter 36.54 RCW. privately owned (licensed by county): Chapter 36.53 RCW.
Fisheries code: Title 77 RCW.
Flood control districts: Chapter 86.09 RCW.
Food fish, shellfish compacts: Chapter 77.75 RCW. construction projects in state waters: Chapter 77.55 RCW. taxes: Chapter 82.27 RCW. unlawful acts: Chapter 77.50 RCW.
Franchises on roads and bridges (by counties): Chapter 36.55 RCW.
Furnishing impure water, penalty: RCW 70.54.020.
Game and game fish, unlawful acts: Chapter 77.50 RCW.
Geological survey (objects as to water supplies, etc.): RCW 43.92.020.
Harbor improvements: Chapter 53.20 RCW.
Harbor line commission: RCW 79.115.010.
Highway commission (bridges): Chapter 47.01 RCW.
Irrigation: Title 87 RCW.
Irrigation districts limits of levy until water is received: RCW 87.04.090. right to cross other property: RCW 87.03.455.
Joint canal construction (by counties): RCW 36.64.060.
Jurisdiction in special cases additional right-of-way: RCW 37.08.250. Lake Washington ship canal: RCW 37.08.240.
Lease or conveyance (by county) to United States for flood control, navigation and allied purposes: RCW 36.34.220 through 36.34.240.
Limitation on municipal indebtedness, exception for water supply: State Constitution Art. 8 § 6 (Amendment 27).
Local improvements (cities and towns) filling and draining of lowlands -- waterways: Chapter 35.56 RCW. filling lowlands: Chapter 35.55 RCW. harbor area leaseholds -- assessment: RCW 35.44.150. leases on tidelands -- assessment: RCW 35.44.160.
Marine employees -- Public employment relations: Chapter 47.64 RCW.
Master plan of development (including flood control): RCW 43.21A.350.
Material removed for channel or harbor improvement or flood control -- Use for public purpose: RCW 79.140.110.
Merger of minor irrigation district into major irrigation district -- Existing water rights not impaired: RCW 87.03.857.
Municipal utilities acquisition of out-of-state waterworks: RCW 35.92.014 through 35.92.015. acquisition of water rights: RCW 35.92.220. authority to acquire and operate waterworks: RCW 35.92.010. cannot condemn irrigation system: RCW 35.92.190. city may extend water system outside limits: RCW 35.92.170. may acquire property outside city: RCW 35.92.180.
Navigation and harbor improvements: Title 88 RCW.
Nuisance defined (as to water rights): RCW 7.48.120.
Nuisance (deposit of unwholesome substance into any lake, creek or river): RCW 9.66.050.
Operating agencies (power commission) -- Policy declaration as to water resources: Chapter 43.52 RCW.
Parks, bathing beaches, public camps: Chapter 67.20 RCW.
Penalties imposed by parks and recreation commission: RCW 79A.05.165.
Planning commissions (cities and towns) -- Restrictions on buildings -- Use of land: RCW 35.63.080.
Pollution of drinking water supply -- Penalty: RCW 70.54.010.
Pollution of watershed of city outside state -- Penalty: RCW 70.54.030.
Port districts: Title 53 RCW.
Private ditches and drains: Chapter 85.28 RCW.
Private way of necessity defined -- Maintaining drain, flume or ditch: RCW 8.24.010.
Prohibited parking places (upon any bridge): RCW 46.61.570.
Public lands: Title 79 RCW.
Public nuisance (tend to obstruct, or render dangerous for passage, a lake, navigable river, bay, stream, canal or basin): RCW 9.66.010.
Public nuisances enumerated: RCW 7.48.140.
Public utilities and transportation commission: Chapter 80.01 RCW.
Public utilities -- Gas, electrical and water companies: Chapter 80.28 RCW.
Public utility districts -- Powers: Chapter 54.16 RCW.
Public waterways: Chapter 91.08 RCW.
Public works: Chapters 39.04 through 39.28 RCW.
Puget Sound ferry and toll bridge system: Chapter 47.60 RCW.
Railroads bridges over navigable streams: RCW 81.36.100. lines across or along watercourses: RCW 81.36.040. may construct and operate canals and ditches: RCW 81.36.130. structures across state waterways: RCW 81.36.100.
Reclamation and irrigation in United States reclamation areas: Chapter 89.12 RCW.
Reclamation districts of one million acres general improvement and divisional districts: Chapter 89.30 RCW. limitation on water appropriation: RCW 89.30.001, 89.30.007. powers: Chapter 89.30 RCW. purposes: RCW 89.30.007. right to cross streams, highways, etc.: RCW 89.30.214. tolls for electricity and water: RCW 89.30.787.
Regulation of watercourses (counties): RCW 36.32.280.
Relocation of inner harbor line: RCW 79.115.020.
Removal of obstructions (from watercourses, by counties): RCW 36.32.290.
Restrictions on sale of certain water rights by state: State Constitution Art. 15 § 1 (Amendment 15).
Roads and bridges (county): Chapters 36.75 through 36.87 RCW.
Sales and leases of public lands and materials -- Water right as improvement: RCW 79.13.170.
Second-class cities acquisition of property for municipal purposes (waterfront leases, etc.): RCW 35.23.452. specific powers enumerated: RCW 35.23.440. utilities (supply city with water): RCW 35.23.515 through 35.23.535. waterworks: RCW 35.23.560 through 35.23.580.
Sewerage systems (cities and towns) -- Waterworks: RCW 35.67.331 through 35.67.340.
Shellfish: Chapter 77.60 RCW.
Small boat facilities for Puget Sound authorized: RCW 79A.05.185.
Soil conservation (conservation of water): Chapter 89.08 RCW.
Soil conservation -- Water rights preserved: RCW 89.08.390.
Speed in traversing bridge, tunnels, etc.: RCW 46.61.450.
State board of health -- Powers and duties (investigation of water supply): RCW 43.20.050.
Street grades -- Sanitary fills (cities and towns): Chapter 35.73 RCW.
Streets -- Drawbridges (cities and towns): Chapter 35.74 RCW.
Tidelands, shorelands, and harbor areas: Chapters 79.115, 79.125 RCW.
Towns, specific powers enumerated: RCW 35.27.370.
Transfer of territory where city's harbor lies in two counties: Chapter 36.08 RCW.
Trees may be removed from river banks (by counties): RCW 36.32.300.
Unclassified cities, additional indebtedness for municipal utilities (water supply): RCW 35.30.060.
Use of waters for irrigation, mining, manufacturing, deemed public use: State Constitution Art. 21.
Washington utilities and transportation commission: Chapter 80.01 RCW.
Water pollution -- Protection from (cities and towns): Chapter 35.88 RCW. redemption bonds (cities and towns): Chapter 35.89 RCW.
Water-sewer districts generally: Title 57 RCW. powers: Chapter 57.08 RCW.
Watercraft adrift: Chapter 79A.60 RCW.
Wharves and landings: Chapter 88.24 RCW.