85.06.160 - Transcript of benefits to auditor -- Assessments -- Collection -- Supplemental assessment.

Transcript of benefits to auditor — Assessments — Collection — Supplemental assessment.

Upon the entry of the judgment upon the verdict of the jury, the clerk of said court shall immediately prepare a transcript, which shall contain a list of the names of all the persons and corporations benefited by said improvement and the amount of benefit derived by each, respectively, and shall duly certify the same, together with a list of the lands benefited by said improvement belonging to each person and corporation, and shall file the same with the auditor of the county, who shall immediately enter the same upon the tax rolls of his office, as provided by law for the entry of other taxes, against the land of each of the said persons named in said list, together with the amounts thereof, and the same shall be subject to the same interest and penalties in case of delinquency as in case of general taxes, and shall be collected in the same manner as other taxes and subject to the same right of redemption, and the lands sold for the collection of said taxes shall be subject to the same right of redemption as the sale of lands for general taxes: PROVIDED, That said assessments shall not become due and payable except at such time or times and in such amounts as may be designated by the board of commissioners of said drainage district, which designation shall be made to the county auditor by said board of commissioners of said drainage district, by serving written notice upon the county auditor designating the time and the amount of the assessment, said assessment to be in proportion to benefits to become due and payable, which amount shall fall due at the time of the falling due of general taxes, and the amount so designated shall be added by the auditor to the general taxes of said person, persons or corporation, according to said notice, upon the assessment rolls in his said office, and collected therewith; PROVIDED FURTHER, That no one call for assessments by said commissioners shall be in an amount to exceed twenty-five percent of the amount estimated by the board of commissioners to be necessary to pay the costs of the proceedings, and the establishment of said district and drainage system and the cost of construction of said work; PROVIDED FURTHER, That where the amount realized from the original assessment and tax shall not prove sufficient to complete the original plans and specifications of any drainage system, alterations, extensions or changes therein, for which the said original assessment was made, the board of commissioners of said district shall make such further assessment as may be necessary to complete said system according to the original plans and specifications, which assessment shall be made and collected in the manner provided in this section for the original assessment.

[1907 c 242 § 1; 1895 c 115 § 16; RRS § 4316. Formerly RCW 85.04.080, part.]