RCW Dispositions
- 84.04 - Definitions
- 84.08 - General powers and duties of department of revenue
- 84.09 - General provisions
- 84.10 - Property tax committee
- 84.12 - Assessment and taxation of public utilities
- 84.16 - Assessment and taxation of private car companies
- 84.22 - Current use valuation of low-income housing
- 84.24 - Reassessment of property
- 84.26 - Historic property
- 84.28 - Reforestation lands
- 84.32 - Forests and forest lands
- 84.33 - Timber and forest lands
- 84.34 - Open space, agricultural, timber lands — current use — conservation futures
- 84.36 - Exemptions
- 84.40 - Listing of property
- 84.40 - Listing of leasehold estates
- 84.41 - Revaluation of property
- 84.44 - Taxable situs
- 84.48 - Equalization of assessments
- 84.49 - Equalization — school district taxes
- 84.52 - Levy of taxes
- 84.54 - Additional limitations on regular property tax revenue
- 84.55 - Limitations upon regular property taxes
- 84.56 - Collection of taxes
- 84.60 - Lien of taxes
- 84.64 - Lien foreclosure
- 84.68 - Recovery of taxes paid or property sold for taxes
- 84.70 - Destroyed property — abatement or refund