82.36.420 - Disposition of fees, fines, penalties.
Disposition of fees, fines, penalties.
Fifty percent of all fines and forfeitures imposed in any criminal proceeding by any court of this state for violations of the penal provisions of this chapter shall be paid to the current expense fund of the county wherein collected and the remaining fifty percent shall be paid into the motor vehicle fund of the state: PROVIDED, That all fees, fines, forfeitures and penalties collected or assessed by a district court because of the violation of a state law shall be remitted as provided in chapter 3.62 RCW as now exists or is later amended. All fees and penalties collected by the director under the penalty provisions of this chapter shall be paid into the motor vehicle fund.
[1987 c 202 § 245; 1969 ex.s. c 199 § 40; 1961 c 15 § 82.36.420. Prior: 1933 c 58 § 21; RRS § 8327-21.]
Notes: Intent -- 1987 c 202: See note following RCW 2.04.190.