82.14B.030 - County enhanced 911 excise tax on use of switched access lines and radio access lines authorized -- Amount -- State enhanced 911 excise tax -- Amount.

County enhanced 911 excise tax on use of switched access lines and radio access lines authorized — Amount — State enhanced 911 excise tax — Amount. (Effective until January 1, 2011.)

(1) The legislative authority of a county may impose a county enhanced 911 excise tax on the use of switched access lines in an amount not exceeding fifty cents per month for each switched access line. The amount of tax shall be uniform for each switched access line. Each county shall provide notice of such tax to all local exchange companies serving in the county at least sixty days in advance of the date on which the first payment is due.

     (2) The legislative authority of a county may also impose a county enhanced 911 excise tax on the use of radio access lines whose place of primary use is located within the county in an amount not exceeding fifty cents per month for each radio access line. The amount of tax shall be uniform for each radio access line. The county shall provide notice of such tax to all radio communications service companies serving in the county at least sixty days in advance of the date on which the first payment is due. Any county imposing this tax shall include in its ordinance a refund mechanism whereby the amount of any tax ordered to be refunded by the judgment of a court of record, or as a result of the resolution of any appeal therefrom, shall be refunded to the radio communications service company or local exchange company that collected the tax, and those companies shall reimburse the subscribers who paid the tax. The ordinance shall further provide that to the extent the subscribers who paid the tax cannot be identified or located, the tax paid by those subscribers shall be returned to the county.

     (3) A state enhanced 911 excise tax is imposed on all switched access lines in the state. The amount of tax shall not exceed twenty cents per month for each switched access line. The tax shall be uniform for each switched access line. The tax imposed under this subsection shall be remitted to the department of revenue by local exchange companies on a tax return provided by the department. Tax proceeds shall be deposited by the treasurer in the enhanced 911 account created in RCW 38.52.540.

     (4) A state enhanced 911 excise tax is imposed on all radio access lines whose place of primary use is located within the state in an amount of twenty cents per month for each radio access line. The tax shall be uniform for each radio access line. The tax imposed under this section shall be remitted to the department of revenue by radio communications service companies, including those companies that resell radio access lines, on a tax return provided by the department. Tax proceeds shall be deposited by the treasurer in the enhanced 911 account created in RCW 38.52.540. The tax imposed under this section is not subject to the state sales and use tax or any local tax.

     (5) By August 31st of each year the state enhanced 911 coordinator shall recommend the level for the next year of the state enhanced 911 excise tax imposed by subsection (3) of this section, based on a systematic cost and revenue analysis, to the utilities and transportation commission. The commission shall by the following October 31st determine the level of the state enhanced 911 excise tax for the following year.

[2007 c 54 § 17; 2007 c 6 § 1024. Prior: 2002 c 341 § 8; 2002 c 67 § 8; 1998 c 304 § 3; 1994 c 96 § 3; 1991 c 54 § 11; 1981 c 160 § 3.]

Notes: Reviser's note: This section was amended by 2007 c 6 § 1024 and by 2007 c 54 § 17, each without reference to the other. Both amendments are incorporated in the publication of this section under RCW 1.12.025(2). For rule of construction, see RCW 1.12.025(1).

Severability -- 2007 c 54: See note following RCW 82.04.050.

Part headings not law -- Savings -- Effective date -- Severability -- 2007 c 6: See notes following RCW 82.32.020.

Findings -- Intent -- 2007 c 6: See note following RCW 82.14.495.

Severability -- Effective date -- 2002 c 341: See notes following RCW 38.52.501.

Finding -- Effective date -- 2002 c 67: See notes following RCW 82.04.530.

Findings -- Effective dates -- 1998 c 304: See notes following RCW 82.14B.020.

Finding -- Intent -- Effective dates -- 1994 c 96: See notes following RCW 82.14B.020.

Referral to electorate -- 1991 c 54: See note following RCW 38.52.030.

RCW 82.14B.030

County enhanced 911 excise tax on use of switched access lines and radio access lines authorized — Amount — State enhanced 911 excise tax — Amount. (Effective January 1, 2011.)

(1) The legislative authority of a county may impose a county enhanced 911 excise tax on the use of switched access lines in an amount not exceeding seventy cents per month for each switched access line. The amount of tax must be uniform for each switched access line. Each county must provide notice of the tax to all local exchange companies serving in the county at least sixty days in advance of the date on which the first payment is due. The tax imposed under this subsection must be remitted to the department by local exchange companies on a tax return provided by the department. The tax must be deposited in the county enhanced 911 excise tax account as provided in RCW 82.14B.063.

     (2) The legislative authority of a county may also impose a county enhanced 911 excise tax on the use of radio access lines whose place of primary use is located within the county in an amount not exceeding seventy cents per month for each radio access line. The amount of tax must be uniform for each radio access line. The county must provide notice of the tax to all radio communications service companies serving in the county at least sixty days in advance of the date on which the first payment is due. The tax imposed under this section must be remitted to the department by radio communications service companies, including those companies that resell radio access lines, on a tax return provided by the department. The tax must be deposited in the county enhanced 911 excise tax account as provided in RCW 82.14B.063.

     (3)(a) The legislative authority of a county may impose a county enhanced 911 excise tax on the use of interconnected voice over internet protocol service lines in an amount not exceeding seventy cents per month for each interconnected voice over internet protocol service line. The amount of tax must be uniform for each line and must be levied on no more than the number of voice over internet protocol service lines on an account that are capable of simultaneous unrestricted outward calling to the public switched telephone network.

     (b) The interconnected voice over internet protocol service company must use the place of primary use of the subscriber to determine which county's enhanced 911 excise tax applies to the service provided to the subscriber.

     (c) The tax imposed under this section must be remitted to the department by interconnected voice over internet protocol service companies on a tax return provided by the department.

     (d) The tax must be deposited in the county enhanced 911 excise tax account as provided in RCW 82.14B.063.

     (e) To the extent that a local exchange carrier and an interconnected voice over internet protocol service company contractually jointly provide a single service line, only one service company is responsible for remitting the enhanced 911 excise taxes, and nothing in this section precludes service companies who jointly provide service from agreeing by contract which of them shall remit the taxes collected.

     (4) Counties imposing a county enhanced 911 excise tax must provide an annual update to the enhanced 911 coordinator detailing the proportion of their county enhanced 911 excise tax that is being spent on:

     (a) Efforts to modernize their existing enhanced 911 communications system; and

     (b) Enhanced 911 operational costs.

     (5) A state enhanced 911 excise tax is imposed on all switched access lines in the state. The amount of tax may not exceed twenty-five cents per month for each switched access line. The tax must be uniform for each switched access line. The tax imposed under this subsection must be remitted to the department by local exchange companies on a tax return provided by the department. Tax proceeds must be deposited by the treasurer in the enhanced 911 account created in RCW 38.52.540.

     (6) A state enhanced 911 excise tax is imposed on all radio access lines whose place of primary use is located within the state in an amount of twenty-five cents per month for each radio access line. The tax must be uniform for each radio access line. The tax imposed under this section must be remitted to the department by radio communications service companies, including those companies that resell radio access lines, on a tax return provided by the department. Tax proceeds must be deposited by the treasurer in the enhanced 911 account created in RCW 38.52.540. The tax imposed under this section is not subject to the state sales and use tax or any local tax.

     (7) A state enhanced 911 excise tax is imposed on all interconnected voice over internet protocol service lines in the state. The amount of tax may not exceed twenty-five cents per month for each interconnected voice over internet protocol service line whose place of primary use is located in the state. The amount of tax must be uniform for each line and must be levied on no more than the number of voice over internet protocol service lines on an account that are capable of simultaneous unrestricted outward calling to the public switched telephone network. The tax imposed under this subsection must be remitted to the department by interconnected voice over internet protocol service companies on a tax return provided by the department. Tax proceeds must be deposited by the treasurer in the enhanced 911 account created in RCW 38.52.540.

     (8) For calendar year 2011, the taxes imposed by subsections (5) and (7) of this section must be set at their maximum rate. By August 31, 2011, and by August 31st of each year thereafter, the state enhanced 911 coordinator must recommend the level for the next year of the state enhanced 911 excise tax imposed by subsections (5) and (7) of this section, based on a systematic cost and revenue analysis, to the utilities and transportation commission. The commission must by the following October 31st determine the level of the state enhanced 911 excise taxes imposed by subsections (5) and (7) of this section for the following year.

[2010 1st sp.s. c 19 § 3. Prior: 2007 c 54 § 17; 2007 c 6 § 1024; prior: 2002 c 341 § 8; 2002 c 67 § 8; 1998 c 304 § 3; 1994 c 96 § 3; 1991 c 54 § 11; 1981 c 160 § 3.]

Notes: Effective dates -- 2010 1st sp.s. c 19: See note following RCW 82.14B.010.

Severability -- 2007 c 54: See note following RCW 82.04.050.

Part headings not law -- Savings -- Effective date -- Severability -- 2007 c 6: See notes following RCW 82.32.020.

Findings -- Intent -- 2007 c 6: See note following RCW 82.14.495.

Severability -- Effective date -- 2002 c 341: See notes following RCW 38.52.501.

Finding -- Effective date -- 2002 c 67: See notes following RCW 82.04.530.

Findings -- Effective dates -- 1998 c 304: See notes following RCW 82.14B.020.

Finding -- Intent -- Effective dates -- 1994 c 96: See notes following RCW 82.14B.020.

Referral to electorate -- 1991 c 54: See note following RCW 38.52.030.