81.104.150 - Employer tax.

Employer tax.

Cities that operate transit systems, county transportation authorities, metropolitan municipal corporations, public transportation benefit areas, high capacity transportation corridor areas, and regional transit authorities may submit an authorizing proposition to the voters and if approved may impose an excise tax of up to two dollars per month per employee on all employers located within the applicable jurisdiction, measured by the number of full-time equivalent employees, solely for the purpose of providing high capacity transportation service. The rate of tax shall be approved by the voters. This tax may not be imposed by: (1) A transit agency or high capacity transportation corridor area when the county within which it is located is imposing an excise tax pursuant to RCW 81.100.030; or (2) a regional transit authority when any county within the authority's boundaries is imposing an excise tax pursuant to RCW 81.100.030. The agency or high capacity transportation corridor area imposing the tax authorized in this section may provide for exemptions from the tax to such educational, cultural, health, charitable, or religious organizations as it deems appropriate.

[2009 c 280 § 3; 1992 c 101 § 26; 1990 c 43 § 41.]