81.08.120 - Penalty against individual.

Penalty against individual.

Every officer, agent, or employee of a public service company, and every other person who knowingly authorizes, directs, aids in, issues or executes, or causes to be issued or executed, any stock or stock certificate or other evidence of interest or ownership, or bond, note or other evidence of indebtedness contrary to the provisions of this chapter, or who knowingly makes any false statement or representation or with knowledge of its falsity files or causes to be filed with the commission any false statement or representation or causes or assists to be applied the proceeds or any part thereof, from the sale of any stock or stock certificate or other evidence of interest or ownership, or bond, note or other evidence of indebtedness, to any purpose not allowed by this chapter or who, with knowledge that any stock or stock certificate or other evidence of interest or ownership, or bond, note or other evidence of indebtedness, has been issued or executed in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter negotiates, or causes the same to be negotiated, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor.

[1994 c 251 § 11; 1961 c 14 § 81.08.120. Prior: 1933 c 151 § 12; RRS § 10439-12.]