79A.05.615 - Principles and purposes to be followed in administering area.

Principles and purposes to be followed in administering area.

The Washington state parks and recreation commission shall administer the Washington State Seashore Conservation Area in harmony with the broad principles set forth in RCW 79A.05.600. Where feasible, the area shall be preserved in its present state; everywhere it shall be maintained in the best possible condition for public use. All forms of public outdoor recreation shall be permitted and encouraged in the area, unless specifically excluded or limited by the commission. While the primary purpose in the establishment of the area is to preserve the coastal beaches for public recreation, other uses shall be allowed as provided in RCW 79A.05.600 through 79A.05.630, or when found not inconsistent with public recreational use by the Washington state parks and recreation commission.

[2000 c 11 § 47; 1969 ex.s. c 55 § 3; 1967 c 120 § 4. Formerly RCW 43.51.665.]

Notes: Construction -- 1969 ex.s. c 55: See note following RCW 79A.05.605.