79.36.630 - Duty of utilities and transportation commission.

Duty of utilities and transportation commission.

Should the owner or operator of any logging and/or lumbering railroad, private railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse, or other easement operating over lands hereafter acquired from the state, as in RCW 79.36.590 through 79.36.650 set out, fail to agree with the state or with any subsequent grantee or successor in interest thereof as to the reasonable and proper rules and charges concerning the transportation of timber, stone, mineral, or other natural products of the land, or the manufactured products thereof and all necessary machinery, supplies, or materials to be used in transporting, cutting, manufacturing, mining, or quarrying any or all of such products for carrying and transporting such products or for the use of the railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse, or other easement in transporting such products, the state or such person, firm, or corporation owning and desiring to ship such products may apply to the utilities and transportation commission and have the reasonableness of the rules and charges inquired into and it shall be the duty of the utilities and transportation commission to inquire into the same in the same manner, and it is hereby given the same power and authority to investigate the same as it is now authorized to investigate and inquire into the rules and charges made by railroads and is authorized and empowered to make such order as it would make in an inquiry against a railroad, and in case such logging and/or lumbering railroad, private railroad, skid road, flume, canal, watercourse, or other easement is not then in use, may adopt such reasonable, proper, and just rules concerning the use thereof for the purposes aforesaid as may be just and proper and such order shall have the same force and effect and shall be binding upon the parties to such hearing as though such hearing and order was made affecting a railroad.

[2003 c 334 § 496; 1983 c 4 § 8; 1927 c 312 § 5; RRS § 8107-5. Prior: 1911 c 109 § 4. Formerly RCW 79.36.270.]

Notes: Intent -- 2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.

Similar enactment: RCW 79.36.400.