79.24.720 - Department of general administration's responsibilities.

Department of general administration's responsibilities.

The department of general administration is responsible for the stewardship, preservation, operation, and maintenance of the public and historic facilities of the state capitol, subject to the policy direction of the state capitol committee and the legislative buildings committee as created in chapter . . . (*House Bill No. 1301), Laws of 2005, and the guidance of the capitol campus design advisory committee. In administering this responsibility, the department shall:

     (1) Apply the United States secretary of the interior's standards for the treatment of historic properties;

     (2) Seek to balance the functional requirements of state government operations with public access and the long-term preservation needs of the properties themselves; and

     (3) Consult with the capitol furnishings preservation committee, the state historic preservation officer, the state arts commission, and the state facilities accessibility advisory committee in fulfilling the responsibilities provided for in this section.

[2005 c 330 § 3.]

Notes: *Reviser's note: House Bill No. 1301 failed to become law.