79.135.200 - Geoduck harvest/cultivation -- Survey of navigable waters by private party -- Record of survey.

Geoduck harvest/cultivation — Survey of navigable waters by private party — Record of survey.

Beds of navigable waters held under contract or deed from the state of Washington upon which a private party is harvesting or cultivating geoduck shall be surveyed by the private party and a record of survey filed in compliance with chapter 58.09 RCW prior to harvest. Property corners will be placed in sufficient quantity and location to aid in relocation of the oyster tract lines occurring or extending below extreme low tide. Buoys on anchors must be placed intervisibly along and at angle points on any ownership boundaries that extend below extreme low tide, for the harvest term. The survey of privately owned beds of navigable waters will be established on the Washington coordinate system in compliance with chapter 58.20 RCW and property corners labeled with their coordinates on the record of survey.

[2002 c 123 § 3. Formerly RCW 79.96.140.]

Notes: Findings -- 2002 c 123: See note following RCW 79.135.010.